La prévision du climat : de l'échelle saisonnière à l'échelle décennale
[Seasonal to decadal climate forecasting]
[Seasonal to decadal climate forecasting]
p. 1115-1127
L'affleurement triasique du Debadib–Ben Gasseur (Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie) : diapir enraciné à épanchements latéraux dans la mer Albienne, replissé au cours des phases de compression tertiaires
[The Triassic rocks of the Debadib–Ben Gasseur area (northwestern Tunisia): diapir with overhangs spreading downslope in the Albian Sea and deformed during the Tertiary compressional deformations]
[The Triassic rocks of the Debadib–Ben Gasseur area (northwestern Tunisia): diapir with overhangs spreading downslope in the Albian Sea and deformed during the Tertiary compressional deformations]
p. 1129-1133
Les argiles bleues du Cambrien inférieur de Saint-Pétersbourg et leur fissuration. Implications pour des stockages souterrains
[Lower Cambrian Saint Petersburg blue clays and their fissuration. Implication for underground stages]
[Lower Cambrian Saint Petersburg blue clays and their fissuration. Implication for underground stages]
p. 1135-1140
Datation 40Ar/39Ar des leucogranites sous couverture du complexe plutonique de Charroux–Civray (Vienne)
[40Ar/39Ar dating of leucogranites in the sediment-covered Charroux–Civray complex (Vienne)]
[40Ar/39Ar dating of leucogranites in the sediment-covered Charroux–Civray complex (Vienne)]
p. 1141-1148
Isostasie flexurale et érosion différentielle : modélisation numérique appliquée au seuil du Poitou
[Flexural isostasy and differential erosion: numerical modelling applied at the ‘Seuil du Poitou’]
[Flexural isostasy and differential erosion: numerical modelling applied at the ‘Seuil du Poitou’]
p. 1149-1155
Un Pachyerymnoceras arabique dans le Callovien supérieur du Dahar (Sud tunisien), nouvel élément de datation du membre Ghomrassène (formation Tataouine) ; corrélations avec l'Arabie Saoudite et le Moyen-Orient
[Arabian Pachyerymnoceras from the Upper Callovian in the Dahar (southern Tunisia), new evidence for dating the Ghomrassène Member (Tataouine Formation); correlations with Saudi Arabia and Middle East]
[Arabian Pachyerymnoceras from the Upper Callovian in the Dahar (southern Tunisia), new evidence for dating the Ghomrassène Member (Tataouine Formation); correlations with Saudi Arabia and Middle East]
p. 1157-1167
Milieux coralliens du Dogger près de Betioky (Madagascar) : la fin d'une exception
[Corallian meadows in the Dogger near Betioky (Madagascar): the end of an exception]
[Corallian meadows in the Dogger near Betioky (Madagascar): the end of an exception]
p. 1169-1176
Le passage Ordovicien–Silurien et la partie inférieure du Silurien (Sud-Est du Massif armoricain, France)
[The Ordovician–Silurian transition and the lower part of the Silurian (southeastern Armorican Massif, France)]
[The Ordovician–Silurian transition and the lower part of the Silurian (southeastern Armorican Massif, France)]
p. 1177-1183
Lithostratigraphie et histoire paléozoı̈que à paléocène des complexes métamorphiques de la région de Muteh, zone de Sanandaj–Sirjan (Iran méridional)
[Lithostratigraphy and Palaeozoic to Palaeocene history of some metamorphic complexes from Muteh area, Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (southern Iran)]
[Lithostratigraphy and Palaeozoic to Palaeocene history of some metamorphic complexes from Muteh area, Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (southern Iran)]
p. 1185-1191