p. CO2
External geophysics, climate and environment (Climat)
Analysis of the climate controls on the isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18O) at Nuevo Rocafuerte, 74.5°W, 0.9°S, 250 m, Ecuador
p. 1-9
Internal Geophysics (Applied Geophysics)
Integrated geophysical study of the Triassic salt bodies’ geometry and evolution in central Tunisia
p. 10-19
Analysis of the ‘Biarez–Favre’ and ‘Burland’ models for the compressibility of remoulded clays
p. 20-27
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Petrology of the Mio-Pliocene volcanism to the North and East of Ngaoundéré (Adamawa, Cameroon)
p. 28-37
Surface Geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Efficiency of contour benches, filling-in and silting-up of a hillside reservoir in a semi-arid climate in Tunisia
[Efficience des banquettes de courbe de niveau, remplissage et envasement d’un réservoir collinaire sous climat semi-aride en Tunisie]
p. 38-48
Océanographie (Géologie marine)
Relevés de profils bathymétriques en Croatie du Nord : indices de pauses holocènes du niveau marin
[Bathymetrical profiles in northern Croatia: Index of sea-level pauses in the Holocene]
p. 49-56
Océanographie (Géologie marine)
Estimation de la matière en suspension à partir de l’intensité rétrodiffusée des courantomètres acoustiques à effet Doppler (ADCP)
[Estimation of suspended sediment concentration from backscatter intensity of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler]
p. 57-67
p. 68-73
p. CO3