In this Note, our aim is to obtain the central limit theorem for capacities induced by sublinear expectations.
Le but de cette Note est d'établir un théorème central limite pour les capacités associées à une espérance sous-linéaire.
Published online:
Feng Hu 1; Defei Zhang 1, 2
@article{CRMATH_2010__348_19-20_1111_0, author = {Feng Hu and Defei Zhang}, title = {Central limit theorem for capacities}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. Math\'ematique}, pages = {1111--1114}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {348}, number = {19-20}, year = {2010}, doi = {10.1016/j.crma.2010.07.026}, language = {en}, }
Feng Hu; Defei Zhang. Central limit theorem for capacities. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Volume 348 (2010) no. 19-20, pp. 1111-1114. doi : 10.1016/j.crma.2010.07.026.
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