Comptes Rendus
On unique solvability of the full three-dimensional Ericksen–Leslie system
[Sur la solvabilité unique du système tridimensionnel complet d'Ericksen–Leslie]
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 344 (2016) no. 7, pp. 459-463.

Dans cet article, nous étudions le système tridimensionnel complet des équations d'Ericksen–Leslie decrivant la nématodynamique des cristaux liquides. Nous donnons la formulation des théorèmes d'existence en temps court et d'unicité des solutions fortes pour le problème de valeur initiale dans le cas périodique et dans un domaine borné avec conditions au bord de types Dirichlet et Neumann.

In this paper, we study the full three-dimensional Ericksen–Leslie system of equations for the nematodynamics of liquid crystals. We announce the short-time existence and uniqueness of strong solutions for the initial value problem in the periodic case and in a bounded domain with Dirichlet- and Neumann-type boundary conditions.

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DOI : 10.1016/j.crme.2016.02.010
Keywords: Liquid crystals, Ericksen–Leslie equations, Nematodynamics, Existence and uniqueness, Director field, Speed of propagation
Mot clés : Cristaux liquides, Équations d'Ericksen–Leslie, Nématodynamique, Existence et unicité, Champ directeur, Vitesse de propagation

Gregory A. Chechkin 1 ; Tudor S. Ratiu 2, 3 ; Maxim S. Romanov 1 ; Vyacheslav N. Samokhin 4

1 Department of Differential Equations, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
2 Department of Mathematics, Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang, Shanghai, 200240, China
3 Section de mathématiques, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
4 Moscow State University of Printing Arts, 2A, Pryanishnikova ul., Moscow 127550, Russia
     author = {Gregory A. Chechkin and Tudor S. Ratiu and Maxim S. Romanov and Vyacheslav N. Samokhin},
     title = {On unique solvability of the full three-dimensional {Ericksen{\textendash}Leslie} system},
     journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique},
     pages = {459--463},
     publisher = {Elsevier},
     volume = {344},
     number = {7},
     year = {2016},
     doi = {10.1016/j.crme.2016.02.010},
     language = {en},
AU  - Gregory A. Chechkin
AU  - Tudor S. Ratiu
AU  - Maxim S. Romanov
AU  - Vyacheslav N. Samokhin
TI  - On unique solvability of the full three-dimensional Ericksen–Leslie system
JO  - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
PY  - 2016
SP  - 459
EP  - 463
VL  - 344
IS  - 7
PB  - Elsevier
DO  - 10.1016/j.crme.2016.02.010
LA  - en
ID  - CRMECA_2016__344_7_459_0
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Gregory A. Chechkin
%A Tudor S. Ratiu
%A Maxim S. Romanov
%A Vyacheslav N. Samokhin
%T On unique solvability of the full three-dimensional Ericksen–Leslie system
%J Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
%D 2016
%P 459-463
%V 344
%N 7
%I Elsevier
%R 10.1016/j.crme.2016.02.010
%G en
%F CRMECA_2016__344_7_459_0
Gregory A. Chechkin; Tudor S. Ratiu; Maxim S. Romanov; Vyacheslav N. Samokhin. On unique solvability of the full three-dimensional Ericksen–Leslie system. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 344 (2016) no. 7, pp. 459-463. doi : 10.1016/j.crme.2016.02.010.

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Cité par Sources :

GAC was partially supported by RFBR grant 15-01-07920. TSR was partially supported by the NCCR SwissMAP grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

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