Comptes Rendus

Quantum Hall Effect and Metrology


Quantum Hall effect / Effet Hall quantique
Introduction to the theory of the integer quantum Hall effect
[Introduction à la théorie de lʼeffet Hall quantique entier]
p. 323-331

Quantum Hall effect / Effet Hall quantique
Physical principles underlying the quantum Hall effect
[Principes physiques sous-jacents à lʼeffet Hall quantique]
p. 332-346

Quantum Hall effect / Effet Hall quantique
Application of the quantum Hall effect to resistance metrology
[Application de lʼeffet Hall quantique à la métrologie des résistances]
p. 347-368

Quantum Hall effect / Effet Hall quantique
The quantum Hall effect in graphene – a theoretical perspective
[Lʼeffet Hall quantique dans le graphène – une vue théorique]
p. 369-378

Quantum Hall effect / Effet Hall quantique
Measurement of the ratio h/mRb and determination of the fine structure constant
[Mesure du rapport h/mRb et détermination de la constante de structure fine]
p. 379-386

Article for the 50th anniversary of the invention of the LASER
Science and technology challenges in XXIst century optical communications
[Challenges scientifiques et technologiques des télécommunications optiques du XXIème siècle]
p. 387-416

Article for the 50th anniversary of the invention of the LASER
Application of lasers to ultra-cold atoms and molecules
[Application des lasers aux atomes et molécules froids]
p. 417-432