p. iv
Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Stepwise response of MeJA-induced genes and pathways in leaves of C. roseus
p. 411-420
Molecular biology and genetics
From depth to regional spatial genetic differentiation of Eunicella cavolini in the NW Mediterranean
p. 421-432
Écologie / Ecology
Les forêts sacrées de Guinée : entre écologie et conservation
[The sacred forests of Guinea: Between ecology and conservation]
p. 433-443
Écologie / Ecology
Germination et croissance des plantules de hêtre (Fagus sylvatica) sous contraintes climatiques et allélopathiques
[Beech (Fagus sylvatica) germination and seedling growth under climatic and allelopathic constraints]
p. 444-453
Taxonomy / Taxonomie
Almost a century of oblivion: Integrative taxonomy allows the resurrection of the longnose skate Zearaja brevicaudata (Marini, 1933) (Rajiformes; Rajidae)
p. 454-470