p. CO2
Internal Geophysics
Application of feedback connection artificial neural network to seismic data filtering
p. 335-344
Significance of a combined approach for replacement stones in the heritage buildings’ conservation frame
p. 345-355
Surface Geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Holocene hydrological and vegetation changes in southern France inferred by the study of an alluvial travertine system (Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Hérault)
p. 356-366
Géosciences de surface (Paléoenvironnement)
Traceurs sédimentaires des variations du niveau marin et de la mousson sud-est asiatique depuis 450 ka en mer de Chine du Sud
[Sedimentary proxies of the sea-level and Southeast Asian monsoon variations in the South China Sea over the last 450 kyr.]
p. 367-378
p. 379-389
p. 390-399
Mouvements actuels des blocs tectoniques dans l’arc Bético-Rifain à partir des mesures GPS entre 1999 et 2005
[Present-day movements of tectonic blocks in the Betic–Rif Arc from GPS measurements 1999–2005]
p. 400-413
p. 414-419
p. CO3