p. IFC
p. 793-796
Number Theory/Group Theory
Cuspidal representations of distinguished by a maximal Levi subgroup, with F a non-archimedean local field
p. 797-800
p. 801-806
p. 807-812
Algèbres de Lie/Géométrie algébrique
La fonctorialité dʼArthur–Langlands locale géométrique et la correspondance de Howe au niveau Iwahori
[Geometric local Arthur–Langlands functoriality and Howe correspondence at the Iwahori level]
p. 813-816
p. 817-821
Lie Algebras/Mathematical Physics
On the compatibility between cup products, the Alekseev–Torossian connection and the Kashiwara–Vergne conjecture, I
p. 823-826
p. 827-829
Partial Differential Equations
Uniqueness results for Stokes cascade systems and application to insensitizing controls
p. 831-835
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A divergence-free velocity reconstruction for incompressible flows
p. 837-840
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Transition probability for multiple avoided crossings with a small gap through an exact WKB method and a microlocal approach
p. 841-844
p. 845-848
p. 849-852
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Long cycle behavior of the plastic deformation of an elasto-perfectly-plastic oscillator with noise
p. 853-859
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Some unilateral Korn inequalities with application to a contact problem with inclusions
p. 861-865
p. IBC