Three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed, based on an experimental study of sediments scour process subjected to a water jet downstream of a submerged sluice gate with a rectangular opening at the bottom in a very confined channel. This experimental geometry, little studied in the literature, presents two particular phenomena in the dynamics of the scour process: a change of the dune form and a digging - refilling cycles of the scour. Two different hydro-morphodynamic models, SedFoam and FLOW-3D, were used and calibrated according to the experimental data. SedFoam is a multiphase flow model based on the open-source tool-box OpenFOAM and uses a coupling method between the fluid and particles phases in the RANS equations through the dense granular rheology, while FLOW-3D is an CFD software that uses a sediment scour model to perform sediment transport through bedload and suspended load transport equations without direct coupling with the fluid phase. The use of these specific three-dimensional numerical models in the case of the water flow with a jet in a very confined channel has allowed to evaluate the accuracy of turbulence models used. The RNG turbulence model was used in FLOW-3D while the turbulence model was used in SedFoam. The RNG turbulence model is more numerically stable for a finer mesh size. Based on the comparison of the three-dimensional numerical results with the experimental data, a discussion has allowed to explain the two particular phenomena in the dynamics of the scour process, a change of the dune form and a digging - refilling cycles of the scour, observed in the experimental data. It was concluded that the dune shape-shifting is due to the hydro-morphodynamic behaviour of the interaction of fluid-particles in presence of high degree of confinement while the digging - refilling phenomenon is explained by the physical mechanics behaviour of the particles phase due to gravity.
Des simulations numériques tridimensionnelles ont été menées pour étudier l’affouillement des sédiments sous un jet d’eau dans un canal confiné. L’étude présente 2 phénomènes pendant l’affouillement : un changement de forme de la dune et des cycles de creusement-remplissage. Deux modèles hydro-morphodynamiques ont été utilisés et calibrés avec des données expérimentales. Les résultats ont montré que le changement de forme de dune était dû à l’interaction fluide-particules, tandis que le phénomène de creusement-remplissage était dû au comportement des particules sous l’effet de la gravité. Cette étude donne un aperçu du processus d’affouillement et de l’importance d’utiliser des modèles numériques appropriés.
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Mots-clés : affouillement, jet d’eau confiné, modélisation CFD tridimensionnelle, modélisation de la turbulence, écoulement multiphasique, modèle d’affouillement des sédiments
Alaa Ghzayel 1; Anthony Beaudoin 1
@article{CRMECA_2023__351_G2_525_0, author = {Alaa Ghzayel and Anthony Beaudoin}, title = {Three-dimensional numerical study of a local scour downstream of a submerged sluice gate using two hydro-morphodynamic models, {SedFoam} and {FLOW-3D}}, journal = {Comptes Rendus. M\'ecanique}, pages = {525--550}, publisher = {Acad\'emie des sciences, Paris}, volume = {351}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.5802/crmeca.223}, language = {en}, }
TY - JOUR AU - Alaa Ghzayel AU - Anthony Beaudoin TI - Three-dimensional numerical study of a local scour downstream of a submerged sluice gate using two hydro-morphodynamic models, SedFoam and FLOW-3D JO - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique PY - 2023 SP - 525 EP - 550 VL - 351 PB - Académie des sciences, Paris DO - 10.5802/crmeca.223 LA - en ID - CRMECA_2023__351_G2_525_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Alaa Ghzayel %A Anthony Beaudoin %T Three-dimensional numerical study of a local scour downstream of a submerged sluice gate using two hydro-morphodynamic models, SedFoam and FLOW-3D %J Comptes Rendus. Mécanique %D 2023 %P 525-550 %V 351 %I Académie des sciences, Paris %R 10.5802/crmeca.223 %G en %F CRMECA_2023__351_G2_525_0
Alaa Ghzayel; Anthony Beaudoin. Three-dimensional numerical study of a local scour downstream of a submerged sluice gate using two hydro-morphodynamic models, SedFoam and FLOW-3D. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, Volume 351 (2023), pp. 525-550. doi : 10.5802/crmeca.223.
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