p. IFC
Microbiology / Microbiologie
Cefotaxime and ceftazidime-resistant Escherichia coli isolate producing TEM-15 β-lactamase from a Tunisian hospital
p. 565-570
Microbiology / Microbiologie
Laboratory colonization of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (Diptera: Culicidae) without forced mating
p. 571-575
Microbiology / Microbiologie
The effect of methylation on DNA replication in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium
p. 576-580
Pharmacology, toxicology / Pharmacologie, toxicologie
Antioxidant enzymes activities and bilirubin level in adult rat treated with lead
p. 581-588
Écologie / Ecology
Évaluation d'un nouveau point chaud de biodiversité végétale dans le Bassin méditerranéen (Afrique du Nord)
[Assessment of a new hotspot for plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean basin (North Africa)]
p. 589-605
Ecology / Écologie
Is it possible to calibrate the pollution level of the region of Algiers (Mediterranean Sea) by exploiting marine macrophytes?
p. 606-614
Écologie / Ecology
Dinoflagellés toxiques et/ou responsables de blooms dans la baie d'Annaba (Algérie)
[Harmful and red-tide dinoflagellates in the Annaba bay (Algeria)]
p. 615-628
p. 629-634
p. IBC