p. IFC
Biologie et génétique moléculaires / Molecular biology and genetics
Utilisation de caractères morphologiques, physiologiques et de marqueurs moléculaires pour l'évaluation de la diversité génétique de trois cultivars de clémentinier
[Use of morphological and physiological characters, and molecular markers to evaluate the genetic diversity of three clementine cultivars]
p. 1-12
Physiologie / Physiology
Cinétique intracolloïdale de l'iode dans la thyroïde de rat nouveau-né. Imagerie directe par microscopie ionique analytique
[Kinetics of intracolloidal iodine within the thyroid of newborn rats. Direct imagery using secondary ion mass spectrometry]
p. 13-22
Physiologie / Physiology
Effets chroniques de faibles doses de carbonate de lithium chez la souris. Relations entre statut oxydant et modifications fonctionnelles et structurales des reins et du cerveau
[Effects of low doses of Li carbonate injected into mice. Functional changes in kidney seem to be related to the oxidative status]
p. 23-31
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Ultrastructural characterization of the epithelium that constitutes the cardiac gland epithelial ‘honeycomb’ in the stomach of the babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa)
p. 32-41
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Differential responses in water use efficiency in two varieties of Catharanthus roseus under drought stress
p. 42-47
Pharmacology, toxicology / Pharmacologie, toxicologie
Phenolic composition and biological activities of Tunisian Nigella sativa L. shoots and roots
p. 48-55
Ecology / Écologie
Rearing of Fabrea salina Henneguy (Ciliophora, Heterotrichida) with three unicellular feeds
p. 56-63
Evolution / Évolution
Bill and hyoid apparatus of pigeons (Columbidae) and sandgrouse (Pteroclididae): A common adaptation to vegetarian feeding?
p. 64-87
Ethology / Éthologie
Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan presence and behaviour at colonies: not only a moonlight question
p. 88-97
p. IBC