Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Isolation and characterization of StERF transcription factor genes from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
p. 219-226
Population biology/Biologie des populations
Oscillations for a delayed predator–prey model with Hassell–Varley-type functional response
p. 227-240
Impact of dual inoculation with Rhizobium and PGPR on growth and antioxidant status of Vicia faba L. under copper stress
p. 241-254
p. 255-259
p. 260-265
Mitochondrial phylogeny of grey mullets (Acanthopterygii: Mugilidae) suggests high proportion of cryptic species
p. 266-277
Dinoflagellate diversity among nudibranchs and sponges from French Polynesia: Insights into associations and transfer
p. 278-283