Effet de la quantité de lipase sur la sélectivité du dédoublement cinétique par acylation enzymatique des arylalkylcarbinols
[Effect of the amount of lipase on enantioselectivity in the kinetic resolution by enzymatic acylation of arylalkylcarbinols]
[Effect of the amount of lipase on enantioselectivity in the kinetic resolution by enzymatic acylation of arylalkylcarbinols]
p. 978-986
p. 997-1001
Techniques d’assemblage de systèmes bislactones, poly et diversement substitués
[Synthetic approach to poly and diversely substituted bislactone systems]
[Synthetic approach to poly and diversely substituted bislactone systems]
p. 1014-1021
Détection des organophosphorés par réaction enzymatique. Étude cinétique
[Detection of organophosphates using enzymatic reactions: A kinetic study]
[Detection of organophosphates using enzymatic reactions: A kinetic study]
p. 1022-1028
Phosphine supported metal-dihydrogen complexes: Elongation of H−H bond to reversible release of H2
p. 1029-1053