p. IFC
p. iii-iv
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
p. 241-243
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Statistical Physics Of Opinion Formation: Is it a SPOOF?
p. 244-261
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Herding and idiosyncratic choices: Nonlinearity and aging-induced transitions in the noisy voter model
p. 262-274
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Reality-inspired voter models: A mini-review
p. 275-292
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Modeling cities
p. 293-307
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Towards a statistical mechanics of cities
p. 308-318
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Low-temperature marginal ferromagnetism explains anomalous scale-free correlations in natural flocks
p. 319-328
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
In social complex systems, the whole can be more or less than (the sum of) the parts
p. 329-335
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
A structural model of market dynamics, and why it matters
p. 336-348
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Dynamics of wealth inequality
p. 349-363
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Lost in diversification
p. 364-370
From statistical physics to social sciences/De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
Towards novelty-driven recommender systems
p. 371-379
From statistical physics to social sciences / De la physique statistique aux sciences sociales
The politics of physicists' social models
p. 380-386
p. IBC