p. 1027-1032

Principaux taxons ligneux de la cosmétopée tropicale : une analyse bibliographique
[Bibliographical analysis of main lignified taxons used in tropical cosmetopoiea]
[Bibliographical analysis of main lignified taxons used in tropical cosmetopoiea]
p. 1035-1048

Activité anti-âge de l'extrait de Fitchia nutans, un ingrédient cosméticeutique d'un monoï traditionnel polynésien
[Anti-ageing activity of Fitchia nutans extract, a cosmeticeutical ingredient of a Polynesian traditional monoï]
[Anti-ageing activity of Fitchia nutans extract, a cosmeticeutical ingredient of a Polynesian traditional monoï]
p. 1049-1055

Sesquiterpene composition of Cinnamosma fragrans: A Malagasy endemic plant used in traditional medicine
p. 1056-1061

Use of grapevine cell cultures for the production of phytostilbenes of cosmetic interest
p. 1062-1070

p. 1090-1100

p. 1124-1132

Comparaison de différentes méthodes d'extraction d'acides dicaféoylquiniques à partir d'une plante halophile
[Comparison of different ways to extract dicaffeoylquinic acids from a halophytic plant]
[Comparison of different ways to extract dicaffeoylquinic acids from a halophytic plant]
p. 1133-1141