p. IFC
p. v-vi
Number theory
Anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions for elliptic curves at some additive reduction primes
p. 973-983
p. 984-986
Mathematical analysis
Corrigendum to “Super-multiplicativity and a lower bound for the decay of the signature of a path of finite length” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 356 (7) (2018) 720–724]
p. 987
Partial differential equations
Elliptic boundary value problems for Bessel operators, with applications to anti-de Sitter spacetimes
p. 988-1029
Geometry/Analytic geometry
On the stability of flat complex vector bundles over parallelizable manifolds
p. 1030-1035
p. 1036-1039
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Un problème de confinement pour une coque membranaire linéairement élastique de type elliptique
[A confinement problem for a linearly elastic membrane shell of elliptic type]
p. 1040-1051
p. IBC