p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 527-528
p. 529-530
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Whole body exposure at 2100 MHz induced by plane wave of random incidences in a population
p. 531-540
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Assessing personal exposures to environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
p. 541-555
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Essential problems in the interpretation of epidemiologic evidence for an association between mobile phone use and brain tumours
p. 556-563
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: The opinion of an observer neurologist
p. 564-575
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Sense and sensibility in the context of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure
p. 576-584
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
The brain is not a radio receiver for wireless phone signals: Human tissue does not demodulate a modulated radiofrequency carrier
p. 585-591
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
In situ detection of gliosis and apoptosis in the brains of young rats exposed in utero to a Wi-Fi signal
p. 592-601
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Effects of radiofrequency field on the blood-brain barrier: A systematic review from 2005 to 2009
p. 602-612
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Evaluation of the co-genotoxic effects of 1800 MHz GSM radiofrequency exposure and a chemical mutagen in cultured human cells
p. 613-621
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Source of funding in experimental studies of mobile phone use on health: Update of systematic review
p. 622-627
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Complaints in environmental health and the construction of risk as cultural resource
p. 628-635
Interactions between radiofrequencies signals and living organisms
Medical practitioners and electromagnetic fields (EMF): Testing their concern
p. 636-640
Physics / Solids, fluids: mechanical and thermal properties
3D imaging in material science: Application of X-ray tomography
p. 641-649
Astrophysics/Solar system
A coherent and comprehensive model of the evolution of the outer Solar System
p. 651-659
Mesures du rayon solaire avec l'instrument DORAYSOL (1999–2006) sur le site de Calern (observatoire de la Côte d'Azur)
[Solar radius measurements with the DORAYSOL instrument (1999–2006) at the Calern site of the observatoire de la Côte d'Azur]
p. 660-673
p. 678-680
p. 681-683
p. IBC