p. CO2
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
On the way to the exploitation of deep geothermal resources in naturally fractured environments
p. 493-501
Internal geophysics
Contribution of the exploration of deep crystalline fractured reservoir of Soultz to the knowledge of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS)
p. 502-516
p. 517-530
Internal geophysics
3D model of fracture zones at Soultz-sous-Forêts based on geological data, image logs, induced microseismicity and vertical seismic profiles
p. 531-545
p. 546-559
Internal geophysics
Downward penetration and mixing of sedimentary brines and dilute hot waters at 5 km depth in the granite basement at Soultz-sous-Forêts (Rhine graben, France)
p. 560-565
Internal geophysics
Physical properties of fault zones within a granite body: Example of the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site
p. 566-574
Internal geophysics
Decoupling of deformation in the Upper Rhine Graben sediments. Seismic reflection and diffraction on 3-component Vertical Seismic Profiling (Soultz-sous-Forêts area)
p. 575-586
External geophysics, climate and environment
2-D Magnetotellurics at the geothermal site at Soultz-sous-Forêts: Resistivity distribution to about 3000 m depth
p. 587-599
Internal geophysics
The stress field at Soultz-sous-Forêts from focal mechanisms of induced seismic events: Cases of the wells GPK2 and GPK3
p. 600-606
Internal geophysics
Fractures, hydrothermal alterations and permeability in the Soultz Enhanced Geothermal System
p. 607-615
Surface geosciences (Hydrology–hydrogeology)
Fracture roughness and thermal exchange: A case study at Soultz-sous-Forêts
p. 616-625
Internal geophysics
Integral modeling and financial impact of the geothermal situation and power plant at Soultz-sous-Forêts
p. 626-635
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Determination of flow exits in the Soultz borehole GPK2 by using the brine displacement method
p. 636-643
Surfaces geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Miscible transfer of solute in different model fractures: From random to multiscale wall roughness
p. 644-652
Geochemical modelling of fluid–rock interactions in the context of the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal system
p. 653-667
p. 668-675
Geomaterials (Mineralogy)
The dependence of albite feldspar dissolution kinetics on fluid saturation state at acid and basic pH: Progress towards a universal relation
p. 676-684
p. CO3