Comptes Rendus

Vers l'exploitation des ressources géothermiques profondes des systèmes hydrothermaux convectifs en milieux naturellement fracturés
[On the way to the exploitation of deep geothermal resources in naturally fractured environments]

Table of contents

External geophysics, climate and environment
2-D Magnetotellurics at the geothermal site at Soultz-sous-Forêts: Resistivity distribution to about 3000 m depth
p. 587-599

Surface geosciences (Hydrology–hydrogeology)
Fracture roughness and thermal exchange: A case study at Soultz-sous-Forêts
p. 616-625

p. 626-635

Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Determination of flow exits in the Soultz borehole GPK2 by using the brine displacement method
p. 636-643