Demi-reconstruction de l'opérateur clôture transitive
[Half-reconstruction of the operator transitive closure]
[Half-reconstruction of the operator transitive closure]
p. 257-260
p. 261-266
p. 273-278
p. 279-282
Non-explosion en temps grand et stabilité de solutions globales des équations de Navier–Stokes
[Non-blowup at large times and stability for global solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations]
[Non-blowup at large times and stability for global solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations]
p. 289-292
Régularité spatio-temporelle de la solution des équations de Maxwell dans des domaines non convexes
[Space-time regularity of the solution to Maxwell's equations in non-convex domains]
[Space-time regularity of the solution to Maxwell's equations in non-convex domains]
p. 293-298
Sur le nombre de Milnor d'une singularité semi-quasi-homogène
[About the Milnor number of a semi-quasi-homogeneous singularity]
[About the Milnor number of a semi-quasi-homogeneous singularity]
p. 317-320
La loi du plus petit disque contenant la cellule typique de Poisson–Voronoi
[The law of the smallest disk containing the typical Poisson–Voronoi cell]
[The law of the smallest disk containing the typical Poisson–Voronoi cell]
p. 325-330
Construction d'un modèle M1-multigroupe pour les équations du transfert radiatif
[Construction of a multigroup M1 model for the radiative transfer equations]
[Construction of a multigroup M1 model for the radiative transfer equations]
p. 331-336