p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 205-206
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Study of the structure and physical properties of quasicrystals using large scale facilities
p. 207-217
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Atomic structure of bulk metallic glasses and their supercooled liquid states probed by high-energy synchrotron light
p. 218-226
p. 227-236
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
On the interest of synchrotron X-ray imaging for the study of solidification in metallic alloys
p. 237-245
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Precipitate characterisation in metallic systems by small-angle X-ray or neutron scattering
p. 246-256
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Study of diffusive transformations by high energy X-ray diffraction
p. 257-267
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Following individual grains during solid-state phase transformations with 3DXRD microscopy
p. 268-279
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Advances in martensitic transformations in Cu-based shape memory alloys achieved by in situ neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction methods
p. 280-292
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
X-ray line profiles analysis of plastically deformed metals
p. 293-306
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Stress relaxation through ageing heat treatment – a comparison between in situ and ex situ neutron diffraction techniques
p. 307-315
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Three-dimensional characterisation and modelling of small fatigue corner cracks in high strength Al-alloys
p. 316-327
Use of large scale facilities for research in metallurgy
Bulk evaluation of ductile damage development using high resolution tomography and laminography
p. 328-336
p. IBC