p. CO2
Biological modelling/Biomodélisation
Systems biology and the origins of life? Part I. Are biochemical networks possible ancestors of living systems? Reproduction, identity and sensitivity to signals of biochemical networks
p. 761-768
Biological modelling/Biomodélisation
Systems biology and the origins of life? Part II. Are biochemical networks possible ancestors of living systems? Networks of catalysed chemical reactions: Non-equilibrium, self-organization and evolution
p. 769-778
Biological modelling/Biomodélisation
Calibration and validation of a genetic regulatory network model describing the production of the protein Hunchback in Drosophila early development
p. 779-788
Biological modelling/Biomodélisation
Analysis of the effects of fragmentation-coagulation in planktology
p. 789-792
Molecular biology and genetics/Biologie et génétique moléculaires
Molecular genetic diversity and population structure in Lycium accessions using SSR markers
p. 793-800
p. 801-807
Biologie et pathologie végétales/Plant biology and pathology
Identification par CG-SM de l’acide phénylacétique produit par Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis, agent causal du bayoud
[Identification of phenylacetic acid produced by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis, the causal agent of bayoud, using GC-MS]
p. 808-813
Plant biology and pathology/Biologie et pathologie végétales
Enzymatic adaptations to arsenic-induced oxidative stress in Zea mays and genotoxic effect of arsenic in root tips of Vicia faba and Zea mays
p. 814-824
Population biology/Biologie des populations
Elevation-induced variations of pollen assemblages in the North-western Alps: An analysis of their value as temperature indicators
p. 825-835
Effect of vertebrate and invertebrate kairomones on the life history of Daphnia magna Straus (Crustacea: Branchiopoda)
p. 836-840
A focus on long-run sustainability of a harvested prey predator system in the presence of alternative prey
p. 841-849
A three-thousand-year history of vegetation and human impact in Burgundy (France) reconstructed from pollen and non-pollen palynomophs analysis
p. 850-857
The geographical pattern of distribution of the genus Teuthraustes Simon (Scorpiones, Chactidae) in South America and description of a new species
p. 858-863
p. 866-870
p. 871-873
p. CO3