p. IFC
p. 1-6
p. 7-11
Complex analysis
Pointwise estimate for the Bergman kernel of the weighted Bergman spaces with exponential type weights
p. 13-16
p. 17-20
p. 21-25
Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
Canard-cycle transition at a fast–fast passage through a jump point
p. 27-30
Partial differential equations/Probability theory
Variational principle for weighted porous media equation
p. 31-34
Partial differential equations
Corrigendum to “Lower bounds for the blow-up time in the higher-dimensional nonlinear divergence form parabolic equations” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 351 (19–20) (2013) 731–735]
p. 35
Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
Maximum principles and isoperimetric inequalities for some Monge–Ampère-type problems
p. 37-42
Analyse fonctionnelle
Une remarque sur les sous-espaces complémentés de
[One remark on the complemented subspaces of ]
p. 43-49
Functional analysis/Mathematical physics
Well-posedness and approximation of a measure-valued mass evolution problem with flux boundary conditions
p. 51-54
Functional analysis/Probability theory
A refinement of the Brascamp–Lieb–Poincaré inequality in one dimension
p. 55-58
Geometry/Differential geometry
Atiyah sequences, connections and characteristic forms for principal bundles over groupoids and stacks
p. 59-64
Algebraic geometry
Generators of the cohomology algebra of the complement to a rational algebraic curve in the weighted projective plane
p. 65-70
p. 71-73
p. 75-80
Comportement asymptotique de lʼestimateur non paramétrique de la fonction de renouvellement associée à des variables aléatoires positives stationnaires β-mélangeantes
[Asymptotic behavior of nonparametric estimator for the renewal function associated with stationary β-mixing positive random variables]
p. 81-84
p. IBC