p. 595-600
Cristallisation par onde acoustique : le cas de l'hélium
[Crystallization by acoustic waves: the case of helium]
[Crystallization by acoustic waves: the case of helium]
p. 601-607
Instabilités à l'interface entre fluides miscibles par forçage oscillant horizontal
[Instabilities at the interface between miscible fluids under a horizontal oscillating forcing]
[Instabilities at the interface between miscible fluids under a horizontal oscillating forcing]
p. 617-622
Étude numérique des instabilités de la phase fluide et de l'interface de solidification en croissance dirigée horizontale
[Instability of melt flow and solidification front during horizontal growth]
[Instability of melt flow and solidification front during horizontal growth]
p. 631-639
Une approche de plasticité au gradient en construction métallique
[A gradient plasticity approach for steel structures]
[A gradient plasticity approach for steel structures]
p. 647-654