p. IFC
Pertes de charge des fluides non newtoniens thermodependants en écoulement entre deux plaques parallèles
[Pressure drop of thermodependent non-Newtonian fluids flow between two parallel plates]
[Pressure drop of thermodependent non-Newtonian fluids flow between two parallel plates]
p. 20-24
Résistance d'un polycristal avec interfaces intergranulaires imparfaites
[Strength of a polycrystal with imperfect intergranular interfaces]
[Strength of a polycrystal with imperfect intergranular interfaces]
p. 25-31
An improvement of Gurson-type models of porous materials by using Eshelby-like trial velocity fields
p. 32-41
Modèle de remodelage osseux au sein du tissu trabéculaire sous-contraint
[Model of internal spongy bone remodelling in disuse]
[Model of internal spongy bone remodelling in disuse]
p. 48-55
Algorithme de type ‘sweeping process’ pour un problème de vibro-impact avec un opérateur d'inertie non trivial
[‘Sweeping process’ algorithm for a vibro-impact problem with a nontrivial inertia operator]
[‘Sweeping process’ algorithm for a vibro-impact problem with a nontrivial inertia operator]
p. 56-60
p. IBC