p. IFC
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Coexistence in competition models with density-dependent mortality
p. 845-854
Cell biology / Biologie cellulaire
Girolline interferes with cell-cycle progression, but not with translation
p. 855-860
Physiology / Physiologie
Effects of ionizing radiation on the activity of the major hepatic enzymes implicated in bile acid biosynthesis in the rat
p. 861-870
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Hétérostylie intra-individuelle chez Atriplex halimus L. (Amaranthaceae)
[Intra-individual heterostyly in Atriplex halimus L. (Amaranthaceae)]
p. 871-879
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Effects of salicylhydroxamic acid on the proliferation of Atriplex and murine neuroblastoma cells, and on Drosophila egg laying and development
p. 880-889
Pharmacologie, toxicologie / Pharmacology, toxicology
Effets de l'envenimation par Buthus occitanus tunetanus sur un modèle expérimental murin de gestation
[Effects of Buthus occitanus tunetanus envenomation on an experimental murine model of gestation]
p. 890-896
Pharmacology, toxicology / Pharmacologie, toxicologie
Effect of subchronic exposure to tetradifon on bone remodelling and metabolism in female rat
p. 897-904
Pharmacology, toxicology / Pharmacologie, toxicologie
Alterations in lipid peroxidation, electrolyte leakage, and proline metabolism in Catharanthus roseus under treatment with triadimefon, a systemic fungicide
p. 905-912
Ecology / Écologie
Ant species diversity in the ‘Grands Causses’ (Aveyron, France): In search of sampling methods adapted to temperate climates
p. 913-922
Écologie / Ecology
Comparaison des peuplements de Coléoptères et d'Araignées en zone reboisée et en zone steppique dans une région présaharienne d'Algérie
[Comparison of coleopteran and spider communities between a reforested area and a still steppe area in a pre-Saharan region of Algeria]
p. 923-939
p. XI-XV
p. IBC