Activité antiplasmodiale in vitro des composés isolés des écorces du tronc de Vitex thyrsiflora
[In vitro antiplasmodial activity of the isolated compounds from the stem bark of Vitex thyrsiflora]
[In vitro antiplasmodial activity of the isolated compounds from the stem bark of Vitex thyrsiflora]
p. 807-811
Sorption de biomolécules par membrane échangeuse d’ions : étude expérimentale et modélisation
[Sorption of biomolecules by ion exchange membrane : Experimental study and modeling]
[Sorption of biomolecules by ion exchange membrane : Experimental study and modeling]
p. 812-819
Diagnostic de l'état agropédologique des sols acides de la province de Kinshasa en république démocratique du Congo (RDC)
[Diagnosis of the state agropedological acid soils of the province of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)]
[Diagnosis of the state agropedological acid soils of the province of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)]
p. 820-826
Contribution à l’étude de la désinfection de l’eau par photosensibilisation avec des extraits de plantes
[Contribution to the study of water disinfection by photosensitization with plant extracts]
[Contribution to the study of water disinfection by photosensitization with plant extracts]
p. 827-831
p. 841-849
Composés á structure imidazopyridinyl-arylpropénone, nouveaux agents anti-infectieux potentiels
[Imidazopyridinyl-arylpropenone compounds as potential new anti-infective agents]
[Imidazopyridinyl-arylpropenone compounds as potential new anti-infective agents]
p. 850-856
Établissement du profil chromatographique liquide non aqueux des métabolites phytochimiques apolaires des phytomédicaments
[Establishing the non-aqueous liquid chromatographic profile of non-polar metabolites of herbal medicinal products]
[Establishing the non-aqueous liquid chromatographic profile of non-polar metabolites of herbal medicinal products]
p. 863-875
p. 876-883
Étude des propriétés mécaniques des géomateriaux argileux associant la décoction de Parkia Biglobosa (néré)
[Mechanical properties of geomaterials formulated with clay and Parkia biglobosa (néré) extract]
[Mechanical properties of geomaterials formulated with clay and Parkia biglobosa (néré) extract]
p. 895-901