p. IFC
p. 607-610
p. 611-616
p. 617-620
Differential Geometry/Mathematical Physics
Killing tensors as irreducible representations of the general linear group
p. 621-624
Dynamical Systems
Stable products of spheres in the non-linear coupling of oscillators or quasi-periodic motions
p. 625-629
Systèmes dynamiques
Généralisation d'un théorème de R. Perez-Marco au cas p-adique
[Generalization of a theorem by R. Perez-Marco in the -adic case.]
p. 631-636
p. 637-642
p. 643-646
p. 647-652
p. 653-658
Estimation du mode dans un espace vectoriel semi-normé
[Mode estimation in a semi-normed vectorial space.]
p. 659-662
Statistics/Probability Theory
Estimation of the offspring mean of a supercritical or near-critical size-dependent branching process
p. 663-666
Numerical Analysis
An ‘empirical interpolation’ method: application to efficient reduced-basis discretization of partial differential equations
p. 667-672
Numerical Analysis
Domain decomposition methods of dual-primal FETI type for edge element approximations in three dimensions
p. 673-678
p. IBC