p. CO2
Sur l'algèbre enveloppante d'une algèbre pré-Lie
[On the Lie enveloping algebra of a pre-Lie algebra]
p. 331-336
p. 337-340
Partial Differential Equations
A fourth order uniformization theorem on some four manifolds with large total Q-curvature
p. 341-346
Partial Differential Equations
An isoperimetric inequality for the principal eigenvalue of the Laplacian with drift
p. 347-352
p. 353-358
p. 359-362
p. 363-368
Marches aléatoires sur certains groupes unimodulaires p-adiques
[Random walks on certain unimodular p-adic groups]
p. 369-372
Sur une identité en loi entre deux fonctionnelles quadratiques du pont brownien
[On an identity in law involving two quadratic functionals of the Brownian bridge]
p. 373-376
Statistics/Probability Theory
Statistical analysis of survival and reliability data with multiple crossings of survival functions
p. 377-382
Statistics/Probability Theory
Approximation of the distribution of excesses using a generalized probability weighted moment method
p. 383-388
p. 389-392
p. 393-397
Numerical Analysis
On the non existence of monotone linear schema for some linear parabolic equations
p. 399-404
p. 405-408
Analyse numérique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Corrigendum à la Note « Éléments finis nodaux pour les équations de Maxwell » [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 339 (11) (2004) 809–814]
p. 409-410
p. CO3