Migration d'une particule ellipsoı̈dale conductrice sous l'action d'un champ électromagnétique uniforme
[Migration of a conducting ellipsoid subject to uniform ambient electric and magnetic fields]
[Migration of a conducting ellipsoid subject to uniform ambient electric and magnetic fields]
p. 127-132
Ondes adhérence–glissement–décollement sous contact unilatéral frottant
[Stick–slip–separation waves in unilateral and frictional contact]
[Stick–slip–separation waves in unilateral and frictional contact]
p. 133-140
Instabilité d'une nappe de vorticité étirée instationnaire
[Instability of an unsteady stretched vortex layer]
[Instability of an unsteady stretched vortex layer]
p. 141-147
p. 165-172
Contribution à la modélisation d'un film annulaire tombant
[Contribution to the modeling of a liquid film flowing down inside a vertical circular tube]
[Contribution to the modeling of a liquid film flowing down inside a vertical circular tube]
p. 173-178
Détermination de la résonance de Bragg et des largeurs des bandes interdites par le modèle d'onde plane corrigé
[Determination of the Bragg resonance and line width of forbidden bands using the corrected plane wave model]
[Determination of the Bragg resonance and line width of forbidden bands using the corrected plane wave model]
p. 179-182