p. CO2
p. 635-638
Théorie des nombres
Sur une question d'équirépartition de nombres algébriques
[About a question of the equidistribution of algebraic numbers]
p. 639-641
p. 643-646
p. 647-650
Partial Differential Equations
CR-invariants and the scattering operator for complex manifolds with CR-boundary
p. 651-654
Partial Differential Equations
Capacitary representation of positive solutions of semilinear parabolic equations
p. 655-660
Analyse fonctionnelle
Bimodules de Kasparov non bornés équivariants pour les groupoïdes topologiques localement compacts
[Unbounded equivariant Kasparov bimodels for locally compact topological groupoids]
p. 661-663
Optimal Control/Partial Differential Equations
Uniqueness and partial identification in a geometric inverse problem for the Boussinesq system
p. 665-670
Algebraic Geometry/Group Theory
Extended Picard complexes for algebraic groups and homogeneous spaces
p. 671-674
p. 675-680
p. 681-684
p. 685-688
Probability Theory/Functional Analysis
The invertibility of adapted perturbations of identity on the Wiener space
p. 689-692
Polygone des fréquences pour des champs aléatoires
[Frequency polygons for random fields]
p. 693-696
Estimation consistante de l'architecture des perceptrons multicouches
[Consistent estimation of the architecture of multilayer perceptrons]
p. 697-700
Mathematical Physics
On the ground state energy for a magnetic Schrödinger operator and the effect of the de Gennes boundary condition
p. 701-706
p. 707-710
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Uniqueness and continuous dependence on the initial data for a class of non-linear shallow shell problems
p. 711-716
p. CO3