Comptes Rendus

Table of contents

Théorie des nombres
Applications purement semi-affines et tressages
[Completely semi-affine applications and tressages]
p. 1-4

Group Theory/Algebraic Geometry
Enumeration of the 50 fake projective planes
p. 11-13

Mathematical Analysis
Self-similar sets with initial cubic patterns
p. 15-20

Complex Analysis/Numerical Analysis
Strong asymptotics for Bergman polynomials over non-smooth domains
p. 21-24

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Cell centered Galerkin methods
p. 31-34

Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
The Goursat problem for the Einstein–Yang–Mills–Higgs system in weighted Sobolev spaces
p. 35-39

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Géométrie différentielle
Equations hessiennes complexes sur des variétés kählériennes compactes
[Complex Hessian equations on some compact Kähler manifolds]
p. 41-46

Partial Differential Equations
A remark on the stabilization of the 1-d wave equation
p. 47-51

Functional Analysis/Probability theory
A functional extension of the Ito formula
p. 57-61

Optimal Control/Probability Theory
Optimal double stopping time problem
p. 65-69

Analytic Geometry
A Note on the cone of mobile curves
p. 71-73

Probability Theory
Majorizing measures on metric spaces
p. 75-78

p. 79-83

Processus dual et inverse d'un ARMA et application à la réversibilité temporelle
[Dual and inverse ARMA processes and application to time reversibility]
p. 85-88

Analyse numérique
Approximation numérique d'une classe de problèmes en homogénéisation stochastique
[Numerical approximation of a class of problems in stochastic homogenization]
p. 99-103

Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Theoretical analysis for the deflection of granular jets
p. 111-114