Une modélisation thermomécanique unidimensionnelle de la propagation d'un front de changement de phase dans un monocristal d'AMF
[A one-dimensional thermomechanical modeling of phase change front propagation in a SMA monocrystal]
[A one-dimensional thermomechanical modeling of phase change front propagation in a SMA monocrystal]
p. 25-32
p. 33-40
p. 49-54
Détermination du comportement macroscopique d'un milieu à fissures frottantes
[Determination of the macroscopic behavior of a medium with frictional cracks]
[Determination of the macroscopic behavior of a medium with frictional cracks]
p. 77-84
Injection de bulles en paroi d'un écoulement cisaillé visqueux
[Bubble injection at the wall of a viscous shear flow]
[Bubble injection at the wall of a viscous shear flow]
p. 91-98
p. 99-112