p. IFC
Application de l'approximation polytropique à la Simulation Numérique Directe de gaz chauds
[Application of the polytropique approximation to Direct Numerical Simulation of heated gases]
[Application of the polytropique approximation to Direct Numerical Simulation of heated gases]
p. 271-277
p. 279-284
Étude numérique de la topologie du champ résiduel de déplacements d'un milieu ductile fissuré : influence sur la formation des caustiques
[Numerical study of the topology of displacements residual field for a cracked ductile medium: Influence on the shape of the caustic curve]
[Numerical study of the topology of displacements residual field for a cracked ductile medium: Influence on the shape of the caustic curve]
p. 293-298
Approche globale, minima relatifs et Critère d'Amorçage en Mécanique de la Rupture
[Global approach, relative minima and yield criterion in Fracture Mechanics]
[Global approach, relative minima and yield criterion in Fracture Mechanics]
p. 313-318
p. IBC