p. IFC
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Characterization of the coherent structures in swirling flames stabilized in a two-staged multi-injection burner: Influence of the staging factor
[Caractérisation des structures cohérentes dans des flammes swirlées dans un injecteur multipoint étagé : Influence de lʼétagement]
p. 4-14
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Numerical simulation of primary and secondary atomization
p. 15-25
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Study of a liquid–gas mixing layer: Shear instability and size of produced drops
[Étude dʼune couche de mélange liquide gaz : Instabilité de cisaillement et taille de gouttes produites]
p. 26-34
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Flapping instability of a liquid jet
[Instabilité de flapping dʼun jet liquide]
p. 35-43
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Eulerian versus Lagrangian simulation of unsteady two-way coupled coalescing two-phase flows in solid propellant combustion
[Simulation eulérienne et lagrangienne dʼécoulements diphasiques instationnaires avec coalescence et retrocouplage en propulsion solide]
p. 44-54
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
A high order moment method for the simulation of polydisperse two-phase flows
[Une méthode de moments dʼordre élevé pour la simulation dʼécoulements diphasiques polydisperses]
p. 55-64
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Large eddy simulation of a monocomponent spray evaporating in a heated and turbulent flow
p. 65-74
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Heat transfer of droplets impinging onto a wall above the Leidenfrost temperature
[Transferts thermiques lors de lʼimpact de goutte sur une paroi en régime de Leidenfrost]
p. 75-87
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Experimental investigation of explosive vaporization of C6F14
p. 88-99
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Experimental investigation of cryogenic flame dynamics under transverse acoustic modulations
p. 100-109
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Responses of V-flames placed in an HF transverse acoustic field from a velocity to pressure antinode
p. 110-120
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
LES and acoustic analysis of thermo-acoustic instabilities in a partially premixed model combustor
[Simulations aux grandes échelles des instabilités thermo-acoustiques dans un brûleur partiellement prémélangé méthane/air]
p. 121-130
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Computing combustion noise by combining large eddy simulations with analytical models for the propagation of waves through turbine blades
[Méthode de calcul du bruit de combustion combinant des simulations aux grandes échelles avec des méthodes analytiques pour la propagation des ondes à travers les étages de turbine]
p. 131-140
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Analytical and experimental investigations of gas turbine model combustor acoustics operated at atmospheric pressure
p. 141-151
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Numerical simulation of unsteady planar ammonium perchlorate flames including detailed gas phase chemistry and fluid–structure interaction
[Simulation numérique instationnaire dʼune flamme plane de perchlorate dʼammonium avec prise en compte dʼune chimie détaillée en phase gazeuse et des interactions fluide–structure]
p. 152-160
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
A comparison of the damping properties of perforated plates backed by a cavity operating at low and high Strouhal numbers
p. 161-170
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Impact of flame base dynamics on the non-linear frequency response of conical flames
[Impact de la dynamique de la base de la flamme sur la réponse fréquentielle non-linéaire dʼune flamme conique]
p. 171-180
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Analysis of limit cycles sustained by two modes in the flame describing function framework
[Analyse de cycles limites impliquant deux modes dans le cadre de lʼéquivalent harmonique pour les flammes]
p. 181-190
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Experimental analysis of laser-induced spark ignition of lean turbulent premixed flames
p. 191-200
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Application of numerical simulations to predict aircraft combustor ignition
[Simulations de lʼallumage des foyers de chambre de combustion aéronautique]
p. 201-210
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Sensitivity of swirling flows to small changes in the swirler geometry
[Impact de modifications géométriques dʼun swirler sur lʼécoulement aval et sur le noyau tourbillonaire en précession]
p. 211-219
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a variable-length combustor
[Simulation aux grandes échelles des instabilités de combustion dans un brûleur de longueur variable]
p. 220-229
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Soot prediction by Large-Eddy Simulation of complex geometry combustion chambers
[Prédiction des suies par simulation aux grandes échelles de chambres de combustion à géométrie complexe]
p. 230-237
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Computations of soot formation in ethylene/air counterflow diffusion flames and its interaction with radiation
[Calcul de la formation des suies sur des flammes de diffusion à contre-courant de éthylène/air]
p. 238-246
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Impact of the chemical description on a Large Eddy Simulation of a lean partially premixed swirled flame
[Impact du modèle cinétique dans une Simulation aux Grandes Echelles dʼune flamme méthane–air swirlée en régime partiellement prémélangé pauvre]
p. 247-256
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Numerical investigation of a helicopter combustion chamber using LES and tabulated chemistry
p. 257-265
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Data assimilation applied to combustion
[Assimilation de données en combustion]
p. 266-276
Combustion, flow and spray dynamics for aerospace propulsion
Compressible and low Mach number LES of a swirl experimental burner
p. 277-287
p. IBC