Notion de longueur efficace pour la détermination de la réflexion de la houle par un obstacle
[Notion of effective length for the determination of the swell reflection by an obstacle]
[Notion of effective length for the determination of the swell reflection by an obstacle]
p. 9-12
Application de méthodes intégrales au calcul du bruit de cavité
[Computation of cavity noise using integral methods]
[Computation of cavity noise using integral methods]
p. 13-20
Evaluation a priori d'un modèle non-linéaire de turbulence
[A priori evaluation and improvement of a non-linear model for turbulent flows]
[A priori evaluation and improvement of a non-linear model for turbulent flows]
p. 27-34
Écoulement cisaillé non visqueux autour d'un cylindre proche d'une paroi
[Inviscid shear flow around a cylinder close to a wall]
[Inviscid shear flow around a cylinder close to a wall]
p. 35-38
p. 39-43
Modèle de comportement mécanique du béton armé corrodé
[Mechanical model of reinforced concrete damaged by steel corrosion]
[Mechanical model of reinforced concrete damaged by steel corrosion]
p. 45-50
p. 51-56