Comptes Rendus

Table of contents

The algebra of Hurwitz multizeta functions
p. 865-869

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
The first cohomology of separably rationally connected varieties
p. 871-873

Number theory/Geometry
A volume estimate for the set of stable lattices
p. 875-879

Homological algebra/Mathematical physics
The obstruction to the existence of a loopless star product
p. 881-883

p. 885-887

Complex analysis/Partial differential equations
On the higher dimensional harmonic analog of the Levinson loglog theorem
p. 889-893

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Source identification for the wave equation on graphs
p. 907-912

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Localization of extended current source with finite frequencies
p. 917-921

Differential geometry
A Hopf algebra associated with a Lie pair
p. 929-933

Probability theory
Probabilities of hitting a convex hull
p. 935-940

Analyse numérique
Correction non linéaire d'ordre 2 et principe du maximum pour la discrétisation d'opérateurs de diffusion
[A nonlinear second order in space correction and maximum principle for diffusion operators]
p. 947-952