Foreword - Algebraic geometry
Géométrie algébrique complexe, en mémoire de Jean-Pierre Demailly : Avant-propos
[Complex algebraic geometry, in memory of Jean-Pierre Demailly: Foreword]
p. 1-4
p. 5-42
p. 43-54
Research article - Algebraic geometry
Equality in the Miyaoka–Yau inequality and uniformization of non-positively curved klt pairs
p. 55-81
Research article - Algebraic geometry
Existence of Good Minimal Models for Kähler varieties of Maximal Albanese Dimension
p. 83-91
p. 93-118
Research article - Algebraic geometry
Families of jets of arc type and higher (co)dimensional Du Val singularities
p. 119-139
Research article - Algebraic geometry
Miyaoka–Yau inequalities and the topological characterization of certain klt varieties
p. 141-157
p. 159-169
p. 171-196