Comptes Rendus

Table of contents

Théorie des nombres
Sur l'équation xpm1+ypm1+zpm10modpm
[On the equation xpm1+ypm1+zpm10modpm]
p. 479-482

Number Theory/Dynamical Systems
Zhang's conjecture and squares of Abelian surfaces
p. 483-486

Algebra/Ordinary Differential Equations
Differential ‘Galois’ extensions with new constants
p. 487-490

Homological Algebra/Topology
Wilson spaces and homological algebra for coalgebraic modules
p. 491-493

p. 495-497

Algèbres de Lie
Formule des caractères des représentations simples de dimension finie de la super-algèbre de Lie gl(2,2)
[Character formula for finite-dimensional simple representations of the Lie superalgebra gl(2,2)]
p. 499-502

Lie Algebras/Geometry
An algebra of observables for cross ratios
p. 503-507

p. 517-520

Ordinary Differential Equations
A theorem of uniqueness for an inviscid dyadic model
p. 525-528

Équations aux dérivées partielles
Homogénéisation d'un matériau périodique faiblement perturbé aléatoirement
[Homogenization of a weakly randomly perturbed periodic material]
p. 529-534

Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Improving the mass conservation of the level set method in a finite element context
p. 535-540

p. 545-548

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Physique mathématique
Nouveaux résultats pour les équations de la neutronique (II)
[New results for neutronic equations (II)]
p. 549-552

Harmonic Analysis/Functional Analysis
Functions of perturbed normal operators
p. 553-558

Functional Analysis/Mathematical Physics
Asymptotic velocity for fibered Hamiltonians
p. 559-564

Algebraic Geometry
Stable pairs on elliptic K3 surfaces
p. 565-569

Probability Theory
On the integral representation of g-expectations
p. 571-574

p. 587-592

Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Continuous orbit transitions in a one-dimensional inelastic particle system
p. 593-595