p. IFC
p. 687-692
p. 701-708
Solutions exactes de fissure d'interface sous contact frottant avec un milieu indéformable
[Exact solutions of the interface crack between elastic and rigid bodies under contact with friction]
[Exact solutions of the interface crack between elastic and rigid bodies under contact with friction]
p. 709-716
p. 731-736
Modélisation du champ des vitesses de l'urine dans un bolus urétéral
[Modelling of urine flow in an ureteral bolus]
[Modelling of urine flow in an ureteral bolus]
p. 737-742
Cylindre transverse isotrope poroélastique chargé cycliquement : application à un ostéon
[Cyclic loading of a transverse isotropic poroelastic cylinder: a model for the osteon]
[Cyclic loading of a transverse isotropic poroelastic cylinder: a model for the osteon]
p. 759-766
p. 767-781
p. IBC