Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 1-7
‘Les fleurs du mal’ – an adaptive wavelet method of arbitrary lines I: convection–diffusion problems
p. 23-29
Analyse des modèles de sous-maille par densité présumée en Simulation des Grandes Échelles
[Analysis of presumed density subgrid models for Large-Eddy Simulation]
[Analysis of presumed density subgrid models for Large-Eddy Simulation]
p. 37-42
p. 59-65
Sur le flambage plastique de l'éprouvette cruciforme
[About the plastic buckling of the cruciform column]
[About the plastic buckling of the cruciform column]
p. 67-72
p. 73-78
Loi d'évolution de l'endommagement pour la prise en compte de l'adoucissement dans les milieux élastomères chargés
[Damage evolution law for the study of stress-softening in reinforced rubber-like materials]
[Damage evolution law for the study of stress-softening in reinforced rubber-like materials]
p. 85-90
p. IBC
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Une alternative aux hypothèses de Boussinesq des gaz chauds : L'approximation polytropique
[An alternative to Boussinesq hypothesis for hot gases, the polytropic approximation]
[An alternative to Boussinesq hypothesis for hot gases, the polytropic approximation]
p. 109-114
Critère de fatigue polycyclique pour des matériaux anisotropes : application aux monocristaux
[A high cycle fatigue criterion for anisotropic materials: application to single crystals]
[A high cycle fatigue criterion for anisotropic materials: application to single crystals]
p. 115-121
Caractérisation et contrôle de l'asymétrie tourbillonnaire autour d'un cône
[Aerodynamic caracteristics and vortex asymmetry control around a circular cone]
[Aerodynamic caracteristics and vortex asymmetry control around a circular cone]
p. 129-134
Approche micromécanique du couplage perméabilité–endommagement
[Micromechanical approach to the coupling between permeability and damage]
[Micromechanical approach to the coupling between permeability and damage]
p. 135-140
p. 141-146
Étude des temps de chauffage et de refroidissement des alliages à mémoire de forme (AMF)
[Heating and cooling time studies of shape memory alloys (SMA)]
[Heating and cooling time studies of shape memory alloys (SMA)]
p. 147-152
Sur le caractère thermo-extensif de la surface de charge d'un sol non saturé
[On the thermo-extensive nature of the yield surface for an unsaturated soil]
[On the thermo-extensive nature of the yield surface for an unsaturated soil]
p. 153-159
Évolution quasi-statique d'un fil souple inextensible sur un plan avec frottement sec : cas discret
[Quasi-static motion of a supple, homogenous and inextensible string on a horizontal plane with dry friction: discret case]
[Quasi-static motion of a supple, homogenous and inextensible string on a horizontal plane with dry friction: discret case]
p. 161-168
p. IBC
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 189-194
Étude par la PIV des structures à la périphérie d'une cavité rotor–stator aspirée
[Study of structures on the periphery of a rotor–stator cavity with suction by means of PIV]
[Study of structures on the periphery of a rotor–stator cavity with suction by means of PIV]
p. 195-201
p. 203-207
Application de l'approximation polytropique à la turbulence statistique en moyenne de Favre
[Application of the polytropic approximation to turbulence statistics using Favre averaging]
[Application of the polytropic approximation to turbulence statistics using Favre averaging]
p. 217-222
Dispersion de Taylor généralisée à un fluide à propriétés physiques variables
[Generalized Taylor dispersion for heterogeneous fluid]
[Generalized Taylor dispersion for heterogeneous fluid]
p. 223-229
p. 237-240
Étude analytique de perturbations de l'écoulement de Poiseuille dans un canal
[Analytical study of Poiseuille flow perturbations in a channel]
[Analytical study of Poiseuille flow perturbations in a channel]
p. 241-248
p. IBC
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Application de l'approximation polytropique à la Simulation Numérique Directe de gaz chauds
[Application of the polytropique approximation to Direct Numerical Simulation of heated gases]
[Application of the polytropique approximation to Direct Numerical Simulation of heated gases]
p. 271-277
p. 279-284
Étude numérique de la topologie du champ résiduel de déplacements d'un milieu ductile fissuré : influence sur la formation des caustiques
[Numerical study of the topology of displacements residual field for a cracked ductile medium: Influence on the shape of the caustic curve]
[Numerical study of the topology of displacements residual field for a cracked ductile medium: Influence on the shape of the caustic curve]
p. 293-298
Approche globale, minima relatifs et Critère d'Amorçage en Mécanique de la Rupture
[Global approach, relative minima and yield criterion in Fracture Mechanics]
[Global approach, relative minima and yield criterion in Fracture Mechanics]
p. 313-318
p. IBC
p. IFC
p. 319-322
Microgravity and Transfers/Microgravité et Transferts
List of referees who have worked on the articles of this issue Liste des experts ayant examiné les articles de ce numéro
p. 323-325
Microgravity and Transfers/Critical fluids
Equilibration and other dynamic properties of fluids near the liquid–vapor critical point
p. 327-343
p. 345-351
Microgravity and Transfer/Critical fluids
Unsteady two-dimensional convection in a bottom heated supercritical fluid
p. 353-360
Microgravity and Transfers/Interfaces and phase change, two-phase flow
The Bjerknes instability during crystal nucleation by acoustic waves
p. 361-365
Microgravité et Transferts/Interfaces et changement de phase, écoulements diphasiques
Description du phénomène d'évaporation en théorie cinétique discrète
[Description of the evaporation phenomenon in discrete kinetic theory]
p. 367-373
Microgravity and Transfers/Interfaces and phase change, two-phase flow
Multiphase computations using sharp and continuous interface techniques for micro-gravity applications
p. 375-386
Microgravity and Transfers/Combustion, chemical reactivity
Different spreading regimes of spray-flames
p. 387-396
Microgravité et Transferts/Combustion, réactivité chimique
Pertinence de la comparaison à la loi en d2 en « évaporation » supercritique
[Relevance of the comparison to the d2 law in supercritical ‘vaporization’]
p. 397-402
Microgravity and Transfers/Solidification, crystal growth from the melt
Modelling of binary alloy solidification in the MEPHISTO experiment
p. 403-411
Microgravity and transfers/Solidification, crystal growth from the melt
Recent developments in Liquid Phase Electroepitaxial growth of bulk crystals under magnetic field
p. 413-428
Microgravity and Transfer/Solidification, crystal growth from the melt
Convection modeling in directional solidification
p. 429-445
Microgravité et Transferts/Solidification, Croissance
Quelques paramètres de contrôle de la convection thermocapillaire en croissance par fusion de zone en microgravité
[Some control parameters for Floating Zone growth under μg conditions]
p. 447-456
Microgravité et Transferts/Contrôle
L'effet des vibrations sur la matière inhomogène : quelques études en apesanteur
[The effects of vibrations on inhomogeneous matter: some studies in weightlessness]
p. 457-465
p. 467-472
Microgravity and transfers/Process control
Thermocapillary convection in cylindrical liquid bridges and annuli
p. 473-486
p. IBC
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Méthode particulaire anisotrope pour des écoulements de fluide visqueux
[Anisotropic particle method for viscous flows]
[Anisotropic particle method for viscous flows]
p. 499-504
Réponse dynamique asymptotique de plaques minces linéairement piézoélectriques dans l'approximation quasi-électrostatique
[Asymptotic dynamic response of thin linearly piezoelectric plates in the quasi-electrostatic approximation]
[Asymptotic dynamic response of thin linearly piezoelectric plates in the quasi-electrostatic approximation]
p. 519-524
Eléments finis stochastiques en élasticité linéaire
[A stochastic finite element method in linear mechanics]
[A stochastic finite element method in linear mechanics]
p. 531-537
Instabilités de l'écoulement produisant le bruit de fente
[Flow instabilities producing the slot-tone]
[Flow instabilities producing the slot-tone]
p. 557-563
History, old problems and new solutions / Histoire, vieux problèmes et nouveaux résultats
Model equations for the Eiffel Tower profile: historical perspective and new results
p. 571-584
p. IBC
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Dispersion de particules solides en mouvement de saltation dans un écoulement turbulent
[Dispersion of solid saltating particles in a turbulent flow]
[Dispersion of solid saltating particles in a turbulent flow]
p. 627-632
Un modèle viscoélastique de remodelage osseux : approche unidimensionnelle
[A viscoelastic model of bone remodeling: unidimensional approach]
[A viscoelastic model of bone remodeling: unidimensional approach]
p. 633-638
Étude des structures spirales à la périphérie d'une cavité rotor–stator aspirée
[Study of spiral structures at the periphery of an aspirated rotor–stator cavity]
[Study of spiral structures at the periphery of an aspirated rotor–stator cavity]
p. 653-658
p. 659-664
Stabilité de la forme de la goutte d'eau formée entre deux grains solides : méthode de résolution
[Stability of the shape of a liquid drop placed between two solid grains: method of resolution]
[Stability of the shape of a liquid drop placed between two solid grains: method of resolution]
p. 665-672
p. 673-678
p. IBC
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 687-692
p. 701-708
Solutions exactes de fissure d'interface sous contact frottant avec un milieu indéformable
[Exact solutions of the interface crack between elastic and rigid bodies under contact with friction]
[Exact solutions of the interface crack between elastic and rigid bodies under contact with friction]
p. 709-716
p. 731-736
Modélisation du champ des vitesses de l'urine dans un bolus urétéral
[Modelling of urine flow in an ureteral bolus]
[Modelling of urine flow in an ureteral bolus]
p. 737-742
Cylindre transverse isotrope poroélastique chargé cycliquement : application à un ostéon
[Cyclic loading of a transverse isotropic poroelastic cylinder: a model for the osteon]
[Cyclic loading of a transverse isotropic poroelastic cylinder: a model for the osteon]
p. 759-766
p. 767-781
p. IBC
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 803-809
Réduction de modèle en convection naturelle par une méthode d'identification
[Model Reduction in natural convection using an identification method.]
[Model Reduction in natural convection using an identification method.]
p. 811-818
Evolution de configurations de tourbillons avec les mêmes invariants globaux
[Evolution of configurations of vortices with the same global integral invariants.]
[Evolution of configurations of vortices with the same global integral invariants.]
p. 835-840
Stabilité linéaire d'écoulements symétriques presque parallèles en canal
[Linear stability of nearly parallel symmetric flows in a channel.]
[Linear stability of nearly parallel symmetric flows in a channel.]
p. 859-866
p. IBC
Issue no. 11 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 867-874
Quelques modèles diffusifs capillaires de type Korteweg
[Some diffusive capillary models of Korteweg type.]
[Some diffusive capillary models of Korteweg type.]
p. 881-886
Structure initiale et propriétés de liquéfaction statique d'un sable
[Initial structure and static liquefaction properties of sand.]
[Initial structure and static liquefaction properties of sand.]
p. 887-894
p. 895-900
Un algorithme efficace d'intégration plastique pour un matériau obéissant au critère anisotrope de Hill
[An efficient algorithm for plastic integration of material satisfying the Hill's anisotropic yield criterion.]
[An efficient algorithm for plastic integration of material satisfying the Hill's anisotropic yield criterion.]
p. 901-906
Formulation DNLR intégrale des lois de comportement : généralisation du principe de superposition de Boltzmann
[DNLR integral formulation of behaviour laws: generalisation of Boltzmann's superposition principle.]
[DNLR integral formulation of behaviour laws: generalisation of Boltzmann's superposition principle.]
p. 907-913
Déformation cumulée tensorielle dans le référentiel en rotation logarithmique
[Cumulated tensorial strain measure in the logarithmic rotating frame.]
[Cumulated tensorial strain measure in the logarithmic rotating frame.]
p. 921-926
Une comparaison des schémas d'intégration temporelle explicites de Chung–Lee et Tchamwa–Wielgosz
[A comparison between the Tchamwa–Wielgosz and the Chung–Lee explicit time integration algorithms.]
[A comparison between the Tchamwa–Wielgosz and the Chung–Lee explicit time integration algorithms.]
p. 927-932
Analyse spatio-temporelle de jets axisymétriques d'air et d'hélium
[Space–time analysis of axisymmetric jets of air and helium.]
[Space–time analysis of axisymmetric jets of air and helium.]
p. 933-939
p. 941-947
p. IBC
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Mécanique de la rupture fragile en présence de plasticité : modélisation de la fissure par une entaille
[Brittle fracture in a plastic medium: advantage of modelling a crack by a notch.]
[Brittle fracture in a plastic medium: advantage of modelling a crack by a notch.]
p. 979-986
Etude de la détonation de mélanges pauvres H2NO2/N2O4
[Detonation study in lean gaseous mixtures H2NO2/N2O4.]
[Detonation study in lean gaseous mixtures H2NO2/N2O4.]
p. 993-999
p. 1013-1018
p. 1019-1025
p. 1027-1029
p. 1030-1035
p. 1036-1041
p. CO3