p. IFC
p. 475-476
p. 477-478
p. 479-495
Soils, granular media, civil engineering
Bifurcations in granular media: macro- and micro-mechanics approaches
p. 496-515
Soils, granular media, civil engineering
Use of the Boussinesq solution in geotechnical and road engineering: influence of plasticity
p. 516-520
Boussinesq equation, elasticity, beams, plates
On Boussinesq's paradigm in nonlinear wave propagation
p. 521-535
Boussinesq equation, elasticity, beams, plates
From Boussinesq–Love contact to impact between hyperelastic bodies
p. 536-547
Boussinesq equation, elasticity, beams, plates
Two-dimensional Boussinesq equation in a disc and anisotropic Sobolev spaces
p. 548-558
p. 559-583
p. 584-589
p. 590-605
Unsteady flows, turbulent flows
On the history term of Boussinesq–Basset when the viscous fluid slips on the particle
p. 606-616
Unsteady flows, turbulent flows
About Boussinesq's turbulent viscosity hypothesis: historical remarks and a direct evaluation of its validity
p. 617-627
Boussinesq approximation, convection
Boussinesq approximations, and beyond, in a tall thermo-gravitational column
p. 628-637
Boussinesq approximation, convection
The Rayleigh–Benard problem in extremely confined geometries with and without the Soret effect
p. 638-654
Boussinesq approximation, geophysical flows
Generalizing the Boussinesq approximation to stratified compressible flow
p. 655-664
Boussinesq approximation, geophysical flows
Internal gravity waves: parametric instability and deep ocean mixing
p. 665-678
p. IBC