Comptes Rendus

Table of contents

Théorie des groupes/Systèmes dynamiques
Stabilité analytique et convergence locale de translatées en dynamique homogène S-arithmétique
[Analytic stability and local convergence of translates in S-arithmetic homogeneous dynamics]
p. 241-246

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Polynomial birth–death processes and the second conjecture of Valent
p. 247-251

Partial differential equations/Complex analysis
On the summability of divergent power series satisfying singular PDEs
p. 258-262

Functional analysis/Complex analysis
Dynamics of weighted composition operators in the unit ball
p. 278-283

Geometry/Differential geometry
Simply connected open 3-manifolds with slow decay of positive scalar curvature
p. 284-290

Topology/Differential topology
Geography of simply connected spin symplectic 4-manifolds, II
p. 296-298