p. IFC
p. 583-588
Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Hauteur des sous-schémas toriques et dualité de Legendre–Fenchel
[Height of toric subschemes and Legendre–Fenchel duality]
p. 589-594
p. 595-598
Algèbre homologique/Topologie
Résolution de certains modules instables et fonction de partition de Minc
[Resolutions of certain unstable modules and Minc's partition function]
p. 599-602
Analyse mathématique
Transformée en échelle de signaux stationnaires
[Scale transform of discrete stationary signals]
p. 603-608
p. 609-612
Partial Differential Equations
On the regularity of the solutions to the 3D Navier–Stokes equations: a remark on the role of the helicity
p. 613-618
Partial Differential Equations
Some inverse stability results for the bistable reaction–diffusion equation using Carleman inequalities
p. 619-622
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Nouveaux résultats pour les équations de la neutronique
[New results for neutronic equations]
p. 623-626
p. 627-630
Géométrie algébrique
Composantes singulières des fibres de Springer dans le cas deux-colonnes
[Singular components of Springer fibers in the two-column case]
p. 631-636
p. 637-642
Analytic Geometry
On an analog of Pinkham's theorem for non-Tjurina components of rational singularities
p. 643-646
Differential Geometry
Minimizers of Kirchhoff's plate functional: Euler–Lagrange equations and regularity
p. 647-650
p. 651-654
p. 655-658
p. 659-662
Probability Theory/Statistics
Application of Malliavin calculus to long-memory parameter estimation for non-Gaussian processes
p. 663-666
p. 667-672
Numerical Analysis
A nine-point finite volume scheme for the simulation of diffusion in heterogeneous media
p. 673-676
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
The pure displacement problem in nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity: intrinsic formulation and existence theorems
p. 677-683
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
The Navier–Stokes equations with Navier's boundary condition around moving bodies in presence of collisions
p. 685-690
p. 691-696
p. 697-700
Théorie des jeux
Une preuve alternative de l'existence d'un équilibre de Nash dans les jeux discontinus
[Existence of the Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games]
p. 701-704
p. IBC