p. IFC
Théorie des nombres
Le critère de positivité de Li pour la classe de Selberg
[The Li positivity criterion for the Selberg class]
p. 245-248
Partial Differential Equations
Concerning the Ladyzhenskaya–Smagorinsky turbulence model of the Navier–Stokes equations
p. 249-252
Partial Differential Equations
Endpoint Strichartz estimate for the kinetic transport equation in one dimension
p. 253-256
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
The regularity of solutions of the primitive equations of the ocean in space dimension three
p. 257-260
p. 261-264
p. 265-268
p. 269-272
p. 273-278
p. 279-282
p. 283-287
Probability Theory/Functional Analysis
A new approach to Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensions and applications to the stochastic 2D Navier–Stokes equation
p. 289-292
Numerical Analysis
Convergence analysis of the Jacobi–Davidson method applied to a generalized eigenproblem
p. 293-296
p. 297-302
p. IBC