p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 335-338
p. 339-343
p. 345-349
Mathematical analysis/Potential theory
Harmonic measure is rectifiable if it is absolutely continuous with respect to the co-dimension-one Hausdorff measure
p. 351-355
p. 357-363
p. 365-370
p. 371-375
Partial differential equations
A note on Sylvester's proof of discreteness of interior transmission eigenvalues
p. 377-382
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for diffraction problems in stratified anisotropic acoustic waveguides
p. 383-387
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Unique continuation estimates for the Kolmogorov equation in the whole space
p. 389-393
p. 395-399
Analytic geometry/Differential geometry
A Riemann–Roch–Grothendieck theorem for flat fibrations with complex fibers
p. 401-406
p. 407-410
p. 411-414
Differential geometry
Area minimizing projective planes on the projective space of dimension 3 with the Berger metric
p. 415-417
p. 419-423
Differential geometry
Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the Spinc Dirac operator on manifolds with boundary
p. 425-431
p. 433-436
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Analyse asymptotique de milieux élastiques stratifiés dans les espaces de fonctions à déformation bornée
[Asymptotic analysis of stratified elastic media in the space of functions with bounded deformation]
p. 437-442
p. IBC