p. IFC
Isomorphie héréditaire et -hypomorphie pour les tournois
[Hereditary isomorphy and -hypomorphy for tournaments]
p. 841-844
Théorie des nombres
Sur les symboles modulaires de Manin–Teitelbaum pour
[On Manin–Teitelbaum modular symbols for ]
p. 845-848
p. 849-852
p. 853-856
p. 857-862
p. 863-866
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
A general method for proving sharp energy decay rates for memory-dissipative evolution equations
p. 867-872
p. 873-878
p. 879-884
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
Geometry of Sobolev spaces with variable exponent: smoothness and uniform convexity
p. 885-889
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Modèle asymptotique pour une jonction fleuve–océan
[Asymptotical model of a river–ocean junction]
p. 891-896
p. 897-902
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
On the preconditioned conjugate gradient solution of a Stokes problem with Robin-type boundary conditions
p. 903-908
Partial Differential Equations
Self-similar solutions with fat tails for a coagulation equation with nonlocal drift
p. 909-914
p. 915-919
Partial Differential Equations
Existence and concentration for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with fast decaying potentials
p. 921-926
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
A numerical study of the null boundary controllability of a convection diffusion equation
p. 927-932
p. 933-938
Analyse fonctionnelle
Une amélioration d'un résultat de E.B. Davies et B. Simon
[Sharpening a result by E.B. Davies and B. Simon]
p. 939-942
Géométrie algébrique
L'intégrabilité du réseau de 2-Toda sur et sa généralisation aux algèbres de Lie semi-simples
[The integrability of the 2-Toda lattice on and its generalization to semi-simple Lie algebras]
p. 943-946
p. 947-952
p. 953-958
Probability Theory
Nash equilibrium point for one kind of stochastic nonzero-sum game problem and BSDEs
p. 959-964
p. 965-969
p. 971-977
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A new variational approach to the stability of gravitational systems
p. 979-984
p. IBC