Comptes Rendus

Table of contents

Number Theory/Algebraic Geometry
Squareful points of bounded height
p. 603-606

p. 607-610

Algebra/Group Theory
Odd character degrees for Sp(2n,2)
p. 611-614

Homological Algebra/Group Theory
Homology and K-theory of the Bianchi groups
p. 615-619

Mathematical Analysis/Partial Differential Equations
On a price formation free boundary model by Lasry and Lions
p. 621-624

Mathematical Analysis/Dynamical Systems
Hausdorff dimension of the multiplicative golden mean shift
p. 625-628

Analyse mathématique
Une remarque sur la valeur absolue dans certains espaces de Sobolev ou de Besov
[Remark on the absolute value in Sobolev spaces]
p. 629-632

Potential Theory/Partial Differential Equations
A new formulation of Harnackʼs inequality for nonlocal operators
p. 637-640

Partial Differential Equations
Barenblatt profiles for a nonlocal porous medium equation
p. 641-645

Partial Differential Equations
Anisotropic entire large solutions
p. 653-656

p. 657-661

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Contrôle optimal
Contrôlabilité asymptotique de systèmes hyperboliques linéaires
[Asymptotic controllability for linear hyperbolic systems]
p. 663-668

Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
Wiener chaos and uniqueness for stochastic transport equation
p. 669-672

Partial Differential Equations
On the regularity of null-controls of the linear 1-d heat equation
p. 673-677

Harmonic Analysis
Uniqueness sets for unbounded spectra
p. 679-681

p. 687-690

Differential Geometry
On m-th root metrics with special curvature properties
p. 691-693

Statistique/Économie mathématique
Estimation des ordres de modèles ARMA faibles multivariés
[Estimating the orders of weak multivariate ARMA models]
p. 695-698

Unbiased risk estimation and scoring rules
p. 699-702

p. 703-708