Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Physics in High Magnetic Fields / Physique en champ magnétique intense

Issue no. 2-3 Table of Contents

Crystal growth / Croissance cristalline

Le plutonium et la cohérence du parc électronucléaire français
[Plutonium and coherence of the French electronuclear system]
p. 228-247

Prix Paul Doistau–Emile Blutet 2011 de lʼAcadémie des sciences
Magnetic induction maps in a magnetized spherical Couette flow experiment
p. 248-267

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Gravitational waves / Ondes gravitationnelles

Prix Ampère 2011 de lʼAcadémie des sciences
Diffraction gratings: An amazing phenomenon
p. 381-392

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Electromagnetic fields, from dosimetry to human health / Champs électromagnétiques : de la dosimétrie à la santé humaine
p. 393-394

Champs électromagnétiques : de la dosimétrie à la santé humaine
Effets des radiofréquences sur le système nerveux central chez lʼhomme : EEG, sommeil, cognition, vascularisation
[Effects of radiofrequencies on the central nervous system in human: EEG, sleep, cognition, vascularisation]
p. 395-401

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Living fluids / Fluides vivants

Living fluids/Fluides vivants
Living fluids
p. 447-450

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide-solide : tendances et perspectives

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting
p. 529-530

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Wetting by solid helium, a model system
p. 531-541

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
One-dimensional Ge nanostructures on Si(001) and Si(1 1 10): Dominant role of surface energy
p. 542-552

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Modeling dewetting of ultra-thin solid films
p. 553-563

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
A model for solid-state dewetting of a fully-faceted thin film
p. 564-577

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Dynamics and instability of solid-state dewetting
p. 578-589

p. 590-600

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Interfacial reaction during dewetting of ultrathin silicon on insulator
p. 601-606

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Analysis of a combined influence of substrate wetting and surface electromigration on a thin film stability and dynamical morphologies
p. 607-618

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Solid-state wetting on nanopatterned substrates
p. 619-628

Trends and perspectives in solid-state wetting / Mouillage solide–solide : tendances et perspectives
Droplet spreading: Theory and experiments
p. 629-635

Issue no. 8 Table of Contents

Disordered systems / Systèmes désordonnés

Disordered systems/Systèmes désordonnés
p. 637-640

Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents

Topological insulators / Isolants topologiques

Topological insulators/Isolants topologiques
p. 757-759

p. 760-778

p. 779-815

p. 857-870