Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Surface Geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Efficiency of contour benches, filling-in and silting-up of a hillside reservoir in a semi-arid climate in Tunisia
[Efficience des banquettes de courbe de niveau, remplissage et envasement d’un réservoir collinaire sous climat semi-aride en Tunisie]
p. 38-48

Océanographie (Géologie marine)
Relevés de profils bathymétriques en Croatie du Nord : indices de pauses holocènes du niveau marin
[Bathymetrical profiles in northern Croatia: Index of sea-level pauses in the Holocene]
p. 49-56

Océanographie (Géologie marine)
Estimation de la matière en suspension à partir de l’intensité rétrodiffusée des courantomètres acoustiques à effet Doppler (ADCP)
[Estimation of suspended sediment concentration from backscatter intensity of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler]
p. 57-67

Issue no. 2-3 Table of Contents

L'orogénèse triasique indosinienne en Asie de l'Est

p. 75-82

Indosinian tectonics in Vietnam
p. 94-111

Tectonic evolution of the Triassic fold belts of Tibet
p. 180-189

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Le rendement énergétique de la production d’éthanol à partir de maïs
[Energy yield for the production of ethanol from corn]
p. 263-287

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Géosciences de surface (Paléoenvironnement)
Traceurs sédimentaires des variations du niveau marin et de la mousson sud-est asiatique depuis 450 ka en mer de Chine du Sud
[Sedimentary proxies of the sea-level and Southeast Asian monsoon variations in the South China Sea over the last 450 kyr.]
p. 367-378

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Cosmic rays and climate of the Earth: Possible connection
[Rayons cosmiques et climat de la Terre : connexion possible]
p. 441-450

Géosciences de surface
Altération différentielle du granite en zone tropicale. Exemple de deux séquences étudiées au Cameroun (Afrique centrale)
[Variable weathering response of granite in tropical zones. Example of two sequences studied in Cameroon (Central Africa)]
p. 451-461

Issue no. 8 Table of Contents

External geophysics, climate and environment
Can we explain atmospheric carbon dioxide oscillations during the past 400,000 years?
p. 483-494

Géophysique interne
Contribution à la connaissance de la sismicité d’Alger et de ses alentours au xviiie siècle, extraite des archives françaises
[Contribution to the knowledge of the seismicity of the 18th-century at Algiers and its surroundings extracted from French archives]
p. 495-512

p. 523-532

Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents

Ecosystèmes et événements climatiques extrêmes

External Geophysics, Climate, and Environment
Ecosystems and extreme climatic events
[Ecosystèmes et événements climatiques extrêmes]
p. 553-563

External geophysics, climate and environment
Expected impacts of climate change on extreme climate events
p. 564-574

Géophysique externe, climat et environnement
Les cyclones tropicaux et le changement climatique
[Tropical cyclones and climate change]
p. 575-583

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
The role of extreme events in evolution
p. 591-594

p. 615-620

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Research frontiers in climate change: Effects of extreme meteorological events on ecosystems
p. 621-628

Surface geosciences (hydrology–hydrogeology)
Flow variability and the biophysical vitality of river systems
p. 629-643

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Use of documentary sources on past flood events for flood risk management and land planning
p. 644-650

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Forest tree responses to extreme drought and some biotic events: Towards a selection according to hazard tolerance?
p. 651-662

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Human populations and climate: Lessons from the past and future scenarios
p. 663-669

History of sciences
Epidemics: Lessons from the past and current patterns of response
p. 670-678

External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
In preparation for future and extreme situations: Orientations for affirmed conjectural research on social and ecological systems
p. 689-699

Issue no. 11 Table of Contents

Surface Geosciences (hydrology-hydrogeology)
Mobile bank conditions for laminar microrivers
p. 732-740

Géosciences de surface (Paléoclimatologie)
Restitution de l’histoire de la mousson nord-africaine entre 6,2 et 4,9 Ma et relations possibles avec les événements tardi-Miocène
[Reconstruction of Northern African monsoon between 6.2 and 4.9 Ma and possible relationships with Late Miocene events]
p. 749-760

p. 761-770

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

Géophysique interne
Contribution à la modélisation des vitesses de propagation des ondes P et S dans les formations sédimentaires argileuses
[Contribution to the modelling of the compressional wave P and shear acoustic wave S in argillaceous-sedimentary formations]
p. 779-790

Internal geophysics (space physics)
New perspectives on Mars’ crustal magnetic field
p. 791-800

Géomatériaux (métallogénie)
Origine du soufre associé aux minéralisations Pb-Zn de type Mississippi Valley de la chaîne des Beni Snassen orientaux (Maroc nord-oriental)
[Origin of sulfur associated to the eastern Beni Snassen Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley-type deposits (northeastern Morocco)]
p. 822-828