Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, climate and environment (Climat)
Analysis of the climate controls on the isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18O) at Nuevo Rocafuerte, 74.5°W, 0.9°S, 250 m, Ecuador
p. 1-9
Internal Geophysics (Applied Geophysics)
Integrated geophysical study of the Triassic salt bodies’ geometry and evolution in central Tunisia
p. 10-19
Analysis of the ‘Biarez–Favre’ and ‘Burland’ models for the compressibility of remoulded clays
p. 20-27
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Petrology of the Mio-Pliocene volcanism to the North and East of Ngaoundéré (Adamawa, Cameroon)
p. 28-37
Surface Geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Efficiency of contour benches, filling-in and silting-up of a hillside reservoir in a semi-arid climate in Tunisia
[Efficience des banquettes de courbe de niveau, remplissage et envasement d’un réservoir collinaire sous climat semi-aride en Tunisie]
p. 38-48
Océanographie (Géologie marine)
Relevés de profils bathymétriques en Croatie du Nord : indices de pauses holocènes du niveau marin
[Bathymetrical profiles in northern Croatia: Index of sea-level pauses in the Holocene]
p. 49-56
Océanographie (Géologie marine)
Estimation de la matière en suspension à partir de l’intensité rétrodiffusée des courantomètres acoustiques à effet Doppler (ADCP)
[Estimation of suspended sediment concentration from backscatter intensity of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler]
p. 57-67
p. 68-73
p. CO3
p. CO2
p. 75-82
Was the Indosinian orogeny a Triassic mountain building or a thermotectonic reactivation event?
p. 83-93
p. 94-111
Permo-Triassic intermediate–felsic magmatism of the Truong Son belt, eastern margin of Indochina
p. 112-126
p. 127-138
p. 139-150
p. 151-165
p. 166-179
p. 180-189
p. 190-201
p. CO3
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 203-210
p. 211-222
Geochemistry (Geochronology)
U–Pb Shrimp-RG zircon ages of Variscan igneous rocks from the Guilleries massif (NE Iberia pre-Mesozoic basement). Geological implications
p. 223-232
Surface geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Nutrient and suspended matter discharge by tributaries into the Berre Lagoon (France): The contribution of flood events to the matter budget
p. 233-244
Surface Geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Identification of aquifer point sources and partial boundary condition from partial overspecified boundary data
p. 245-250
History of sciences
The tsunami in Cadiz on 1 November 1755: A critical analysis of reports by Antonio de Ulloa and by Louis Godin
p. 251-261
p. CO3
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Le rendement énergétique de la production d’éthanol à partir de maïs
[Energy yield for the production of ethanol from corn]
p. 263-287
p. 288-297
Geomaterials (Mineralogy)
Thermal and hydrothermal influence of magmatic emissions on embedding clays of the Upper Cretaceous of the Tunisian eastern margin and the Pelagic Sea
p. 298-305
Evidence of former Holocene sea level in the Marennes-Oléron Bay (French Atlantic coast)
p. 306-314
p. 315-323
p. 324-333
p. CO3
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Internal Geophysics
Application of feedback connection artificial neural network to seismic data filtering
p. 335-344
Significance of a combined approach for replacement stones in the heritage buildings’ conservation frame
p. 345-355
Surface Geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Holocene hydrological and vegetation changes in southern France inferred by the study of an alluvial travertine system (Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Hérault)
p. 356-366
Géosciences de surface (Paléoenvironnement)
Traceurs sédimentaires des variations du niveau marin et de la mousson sud-est asiatique depuis 450 ka en mer de Chine du Sud
[Sedimentary proxies of the sea-level and Southeast Asian monsoon variations in the South China Sea over the last 450 kyr.]
p. 367-378
p. 379-389
p. 390-399
Mouvements actuels des blocs tectoniques dans l’arc Bético-Rifain à partir des mesures GPS entre 1999 et 2005
[Present-day movements of tectonic blocks in the Betic–Rif Arc from GPS measurements 1999–2005]
p. 400-413
p. 414-419
p. CO3
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Evidence for a solar signature in 20th-century temperature data from the USA and Europe
p. 421-430
Internal Geophysics
Multifractal analysis of the evolution of simulated precipitation over France in a climate scenario
p. 431-440
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Cosmic rays and climate of the Earth: Possible connection
[Rayons cosmiques et climat de la Terre : connexion possible]
p. 441-450
Géosciences de surface
Altération différentielle du granite en zone tropicale. Exemple de deux séquences étudiées au Cameroun (Afrique centrale)
[Variable weathering response of granite in tropical zones. Example of two sequences studied in Cameroon (Central Africa)]
p. 451-461
Surface Geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Mixed, classical and hydrothermal karstification in a carbonate aquifer Hydrogeological consequences. The case of the Saida aquifer system, Algeria
p. 462-473
p. 474-481
p. CO3
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, climate and environment
Can we explain atmospheric carbon dioxide oscillations during the past 400,000 years?
p. 483-494
Géophysique interne
Contribution à la connaissance de la sismicité d’Alger et de ses alentours au xviiie siècle, extraite des archives françaises
[Contribution to the knowledge of the seismicity of the 18th-century at Algiers and its surroundings extracted from French archives]
p. 495-512
Surface geosciences (Hydrology – Hydrogeology)
Steady water level and temperature in a karstic system: The case of the coral Lifou Island (SW Pacific)
p. 513-522
p. 523-532
Surface Geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Contrasted morphosedimentary activity of the lower Kert River (northeastern Morocco) during the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. Possible impact of bioclimatic variations and human action
p. 533-542
p. 543-552
p. CO3
p. CO3
External Geophysics, Climate, and Environment
Ecosystems and extreme climatic events
[Ecosystèmes et événements climatiques extrêmes]
p. 553-563
External geophysics, climate and environment
Expected impacts of climate change on extreme climate events
p. 564-574
Géophysique externe, climat et environnement
Les cyclones tropicaux et le changement climatique
[Tropical cyclones and climate change]
p. 575-583
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Uncertainties attached to global or local climate changes
p. 584-590
p. 591-594
Surface geosciences (palaeoenvironment)
Interactions between vegetation and climate variability: what are the lessons of models and paleovegetation data
p. 595-601
Surface Geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Unearthing deep-time biodiversity changes: The Palaeogene mammalian metacommunity of the Quercy and Limagne area (Massif Central, France)
p. 602-614
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
The impact of climate change on large mammal distribution and extinction: Evidence from the last glacial/interglacial transition
p. 615-620
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Research frontiers in climate change: Effects of extreme meteorological events on ecosystems
p. 621-628
Surface geosciences (hydrology–hydrogeology)
Flow variability and the biophysical vitality of river systems
p. 629-643
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Use of documentary sources on past flood events for flood risk management and land planning
p. 644-650
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Forest tree responses to extreme drought and some biotic events: Towards a selection according to hazard tolerance?
p. 651-662
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Human populations and climate: Lessons from the past and future scenarios
p. 663-669
p. 670-678
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
Quantifying socioeconomic characteristics of drought-sensitive regions: Evidence from Chinese provincial agricultural data
p. 679-688
External Geophysics, Climate and Environment
In preparation for future and extreme situations: Orientations for affirmed conjectural research on social and ecological systems
p. 689-699
p. CO4
Issue no. 11 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, Climate and Environment
Insolation and sea level variations during Quaternary interglacial periods: A review of recent results with special emphasis on the last interglaciation
p. 701-710
Géophysique interne
Modélisation magnétotellurique de la structure géologique profonde de l’unité granulitique de l’In Ouzzal (Hoggar occidental)
p. 711-722
Geochemistry (Isotopic geochemistry)
Radiometric dating (U/Th) of the lower marine terrace (MIS 5.5) west of Nice (French Riviera): Morphological and neotectonic quantitative implications
p. 723-731
p. 732-740
Surface Geosciences (Pedology)
Variation of the kaolinite and gibbsite content at regional and local scale in Latosols of the Brazilian Central Plateau
p. 741-748
Géosciences de surface (Paléoclimatologie)
Restitution de l’histoire de la mousson nord-africaine entre 6,2 et 4,9 Ma et relations possibles avec les événements tardi-Miocène
[Reconstruction of Northern African monsoon between 6.2 and 4.9 Ma and possible relationships with Late Miocene events]
p. 749-760
p. 761-770
p. CO3
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Géophysique interne
Contribution à la modélisation des vitesses de propagation des ondes P et S dans les formations sédimentaires argileuses
[Contribution to the modelling of the compressional wave P and shear acoustic wave S in argillaceous-sedimentary formations]
p. 779-790
p. 791-800
p. 801-810
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths from off-craton kimberlites near the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa
p. 811-821
Géomatériaux (métallogénie)
Origine du soufre associé aux minéralisations Pb-Zn de type Mississippi Valley de la chaîne des Beni Snassen orientaux (Maroc nord-oriental)
[Origin of sulfur associated to the eastern Beni Snassen Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley-type deposits (northeastern Morocco)]
p. 822-828
Geomaterials (Ore deposits)
Synchronous deposition of massive sulphide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: New data from Las Herrerías and La Torerera ore-bodies
p. 829-839
p. 840-849
Geochemistry (geochronology)
Geochemistry and geochronology of mafic rocks from Bamenda Mountains (Cameroon): Source composition and crustal contamination along the Cameroon Volcanic Line
p. 850-857
Surface geosciences (hydrology, hydrogeology)
Analysis, in a free surface steady flow, of the interstitial velocity field inside a sedimentary bed
p. 858-864
Surface geosciences (pedology)
A spectrophotometric measurement of soil cation exchange capacity based on cobaltihexamine chloride absorbance
p. 865-871
Surface Geosciences (Pedology)
Sources and extractibility of chromium and nickel in soil profiles developed on Czech serpentinites
p. 872-882
Surface geosciences (palaeoenvironment)
Late Glacial-Holocene sequence of Lake Saint-Point (Jura Mountains, France): Detrital inputs as records of climate change and anthropic impact
p. 883-892
p. 900-904
p. 905-907
p. 908-912
p. 913-917
p. CO3