Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, climate
Identification of trends in rainfall, rainy days and 24 h maximum rainfall over subtropical Assam in Northeast India
p. 1-13
Petrology, geochemistry
Petrographical and geochemical characterization of Comblanchien limestone (Bourgogne, France): A fingerprint of the building stone provenance
p. 14-24
Hydrology, environment
Use of major and selected trace elements to describe mixing processes in a water reservoir
p. 25-32
p. 33-40
Hydrology, environment (Pedology)
Analysis of an illustrative interaction between structural features and earthworm populations in Brazilian ferralsols
p. 41-49
Stratigraphy, sedimentology
First biostratigraphical constraints on the pre-Upper Ordovician sequences of the Pyrenees based on organic-walled microfossils
p. 50-56
p. CO3
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Internal geophysics
Estimation of viscoelastic attenuation of real seismic data by use of ray tracing software: Application to the detection of gas hydrates and free gas
p. 57-66
Petrology, geochemistry
Diamond precipitation from ascending reduced fluids in the Kaapvaal lithosphere: Thermodynamic constraints
p. 67-76
p. 77-88
Stratigraphy, sedimentology
Faunal and palaeoenvironmental changes in the Çal Basin, SW Anatolia: Implications for regional stratigraphic correlation of late Cenozoic basins
p. 89-98
Stratigraphy, sedimentology (Palaeoenvironment)
The last glacial-interglacial transition and dinoflagellate cysts in the western Mediterranean Sea
p. 99-109
p. CO3
Issue no. 3-4 Table of Contents
Tectonophysics in Russia and France: A project initiated by Jacques Angelier / La tectonophsique en Russie et en France : Un projet initié par Jacques Angelier
p. CO2
La tectonophysique en Russie et en France : un projet initié par Jacques Angelier
[Tectonophysics in Russia and France: A project initiated by Jacques Angelier]
[Tectonophysics in Russia and France: A project initiated by Jacques Angelier]
p. 111-115
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Achievements of tectonophysics research in Russia: Present status and perspective
p. 116-124
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Methods for detecting formation mechanisms and determining a final strain value for different scales of folded structures
p. 125-137
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Structural evolution of metamorphic rocks in the Talas Alatau, Tien Shan, Central Asia: Implication for early stages of the Talas-Ferghana Fault
p. 138-148
p. 149-158
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Do fault slip data inversions actually yield “paleostresses” that can be compared with contemporary stresses? A critical discussion
p. 159-173
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Some methodological aspects of tectonic stress reconstruction based on geological indicators
p. 174-180
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Comparison of methods to reconstruct paleostress regimes in the NW-Greater Caucasus fold-and-thrust belt
p. 181-190
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Architecture and development of (Pliocene to Holocene) faults and fissures in the East Volcanic Zone of Iceland
p. 191-204
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Quaternary deformation and stress perturbations along the Digne thrust front, Southwestern Alps
p. 205-213
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Strike-slip faulting in the West Siberian Platform: Insights from 3D seismic imagery
p. 214-226
p. 227-238
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Late Cenozoic tectonic stresses and focal mechanism of some of the largest earthquakes of the Tien-Shan region
p. 239-246
Tectonics, tectonophysics
Structural control on the deep hydrogeological and geothermal aquifers related to the fractured Campanian-Miocene reservoirs of north-eastern Tunisia foreland constrained by subsurface data
p. 247-265
p. CO3
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, climate
Mg/Ca-paleothermometry in the western Mediterranean Sea on planktonic foraminifer species Globigerina bulloides: Constraints and implications
p. 267-276
External geophysics, climate (Dynamical oceanography)
On the use of linear stability model to characterize the morphological behaviour of a double bar system. Application to Truc Vert beach (France)
p. 277-287
Hydrologie, environnement
Application de la méthode des simulations croisées à l’analyse de tendances dans la relation pluie-débit à partir du modèle GR2M : cas du bassin versant du N’zi-Bandama (Côte d’Ivoire)
[Application of the crossed simulations method to the analysis of trends in the rainfall-runoff relation by using the GR2M model: Case of the N’zi-Bandama watershed (Ivory Coast)]
p. 288-296
Hydrology, environment (Surface geochemistry)
The suitability of annual tree growth rings as environmental archives: Evidence from Sr, Nd, Pb and Ca isotopes in spruce growth rings from the Strengbach watershed
p. 297-311
Stratigraphy, sedimentology
Determination of the interstitial velocity field in the swash zone by Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry (UDV)
p. 312-318
p. CO3
Issue no. 6-7 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Internal geophysics (Geodesy)
Use of Starlette and LAGEOS-1&-2 laser measurements for determination and analysis of stations coordinates and EOP time series
p. 319-333
Internal geophysics (Geodesy)
Signal and noise separation in time series of DORIS station coordinates using wavelet and singular spectrum analysis
p. 334-348
Petrology, geochemistry
Stability of the association fayalite + calcite within metamorphosed banded iron formations: The case of the magnetite ores of Edough massif (N-E Algeria)
p. 349-356
Hydrology, environment (Hydrology–hydrogeology)
Time-lapse microgravity study of the Strengbach catchment (Vosges mountains, France)
p. 357-365
Stratigraphy, sedimentology
Geological study of sedimentary clayey materials of the Bomkoul area in the Douala region (Douala sub-basin, Cameroon) for the ceramic industry
p. 366-376
p. CO3
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Petrology, geochemistry
Early Permian extensional shearing of an Ordovician granite: The Saint-Eutrope “C/S-like” orthogneiss (Montagne Noire, French Massif Central)
p. 377-384
Hydrology, environment
Prediction of phytoavailability of trace metals to plants: Comparison between chemical extractions and soil-grown radish
p. 385-395
Hydrology, environment
Links between NAO fluctuations and inter-annual variability of winter-months precipitation in the Seine River watershed (north-western France)
p. 396-405
Hydrology, environment
The Kufrah paleodrainage system in Libya: A past connection to the Mediterranean Sea?
p. 406-414
Stratigraphy, sedimentology (Palaeoenvironment)
The Neogene and Lower Pleistocene crags of Upper Normandy: Biostratigraphic revision and paleogeographic implications
p. 415-422
p. CO3
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Petrology, geochemistry (Cosmochemistry)
Lack of relationship between 26Al ages of chondrules and their mineralogical and chemical compositions
p. 423-431
Hydrology, environment
Facing climatic and anthropogenic changes in the Mediterranean basin: What will be the medium-term impact on water stress?
p. 432-440
Hydrology, environment
Measuring runoff by plots at different scales: Understanding and analysing the sources of variation
p. 441-448
Hydrology, environment (Hydrology-hydrogeology)
Characterization by electrical and electromagnetic geophysical methods of the shallow hydrogeological system at Hebron (West Bank, Palestine) in a semi-arid zone
p. 449-460
Stratigraphy, sedimentology
Physical chemical analysis of marine sediment cementation from the Gulf of Guinea
p. 461-470
p. CO3
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, climate
Markov chain model to study the occurrence of pre-monsoon thunderstorms over Bhubaneswar, India
p. 473-482
External geophysics, climate
The improvement of the Morlet wavelet for multi-period analysis of climate data
p. 483-497
Internal geophysics
Laboratory study of self-potential signals during releasing of CO2 and N2 plumes
p. 498-507
Hydrologie, environnement
Ressaut de marée et Mascaret – exemples de la Garonne et de la Seine
[Tidal bore and Mascaret – example of Garonne and Seine Rivers]
p. 508-515
Hydrology, environment (Pedology)
Soil porosity resulting from the assemblage of silt grains with a clay phase: New perspectives related to utilization of X-ray synchrotron computed microtomography
p. 516-525
Des « cailloux roulés » basaltiques haut perchés à l’histoire du Rhône : observations et spéculations de Gui de Mortessagnes (1782)
[From the basaltic pebbles in high deposits to the Rhône River history: Observations and hypotheses of Gui de Mortessagnes (1782)]
[From the basaltic pebbles in high deposits to the Rhône River history: Observations and hypotheses of Gui de Mortessagnes (1782)]
p. 526-534
p. CO3
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
Erosion–Alteration: from fundamental mechanisms to geodynamic consequences (Ebelmen’s Symposium)
p. CO2
Érosion et altération : des mécanismes élémentaires aux conséquences géodynamiques (symposium Ebelmen)
[Erosion–Alteration: From fundamental mechanisms to geodynamic consequences (Ebelmen's Symposium)]
[Erosion–Alteration: From fundamental mechanisms to geodynamic consequences (Ebelmen's Symposium)]
p. 541-543
p. 544-548
p. 549-567
Hydrology, environment (Surface geochemistry)
Can accurate kinetic laws be created to describe chemical weathering?
p. 568-585
p. 586-596
p. 597-609
p. 610-626
p. 627-635
Hydrology, environment (Surface geochemistry)
Contribution of diffuse hillslope erosion to the sediment export of French rivers
p. 636-645
Hydrology, environment
Riverine particulate material dissolution in seawater and its implications for the global cycles of the elements
p. 646-651
Hydrology, environment
Tectonic control of continental weathering, atmospheric CO2, and climate over Phanerozoic times
p. 652-662
Hydrology, environment
Biogeochemistry of carbon, major and trace elements in watersheds of northern Eurasia drained to the Arctic Ocean: The change of fluxes, sources and mechanisms under the climate warming prospective
p. 663-677
p. 678-687
Hydrology, environment
Determination of transfer time for sediments in alluvial plains using 238U-234U-230Th disequilibria: The case of the Ganges river system
p. 688-703
Hydrology, environment
Processes controlling the stable isotope compositions of Li, B, Mg and Ca in plants, soils and waters: A review
p. 704-722
Hydrology, environment (Surface geochemistry)
Silicon isotopes and continental weathering processes: Assessing controls on Si transfer to the ocean
p. 723-738
Hydrology, environment (Surface geochemistry)
Impact of agriculture on the Si biogeochemical cycle: Input from phytolith studies
p. 739-746
p. 747-757
Hydrology, environment (Pedology)
Soil processes and functions across an international network of Critical Zone Observatories: Introduction to experimental methods and initial results
p. 758-772
p. 774-777
p. 778-779
p. 780-783
p. 784-787
p. CO3